英语人>网络例句>外国地 相关的搜索结果


与 外国地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A man who is somewhere between 80 and 90 years of age and who is a ball of energy and exuberance as he energetically shows foreign guests his collection of translations of Naxi poetry and propheticism, which has all made him something of a star in Lijiang.


Reflishing every word, I joined foreign correspondent Shean on a mission to China and another to Russia.


Foreign businesses are welcomed tocome to China to establish businesses according to the law.


It's no good taking over the experience of foreign countries uncritically.


It's no good taking over the experience of foreign countries uncritically.


China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically


It's no good taking over the experience offoreign countries uncritically.


With time, the market, even the entire country, would start to believe that " the grass IS always greener on the other side", culminating in a vicious cycle where locals become increasingly cheapened, and foreigners become unjustifiably expensive.


Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we can safely conclude those the Three Gorges Project will alter the lives of an untalked bulk of human forever .


And no wonder, since most Web 2.0 sites do not have official Chinese versions. So enterprising start-ups simply copy the ideas and graphics, and localise them to suit Chinese tastes.

由于大多数Web 2.0原创网站没有推出自己的中文版网站,于是出现了一些中国互连网企业,他们通过简单地抄袭外国原创网站的思想和图片,再根据中国网民的口味,稍作修改后,推出自己的汉化版本。

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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.


For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
