英语人>网络例句>外国使团 相关的搜索结果


与 外国使团 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is characteristic of Dominican sanctity that its saints attained holiness in the apostolate, in the pursuit or promotion of learning, administration, foreign missions, the papacy, the cardinalate, and the episcopate.

它的特点是多米尼加的神圣性,其圣人达到成圣在使徒,在追求或宣传学习,依法行政,外国使团,教皇, cardinalate ,和主教。

The practicality of congregational independency has been enhanced in this century by the growing numbers and kinds of nondenominational specialized ministries such as home and foreign missions; colleges and seminaries; camp and conference grounds; publishers of magazines, books, and Sunday school curricula; evangelistic teams; youth organizations; radio and television broadcasters; occupational fellowships; and many others.


There are plenty of people, in Avonlea and out of it, who can attend closely to their neighbour's business by dint of neglecting their own; but Mrs. Rachel Lynde was one of those capable creatures who can manage their own concerns and those of other folks into the bargain. She was a notable housewife; her work was always done and well done; she "ran" the Sewing Circle helped run the Sunday-school, and was the strongest propof the Church Aid Society and Foreign Missions Auxiliary foreign missions: Yet with all this Mrs.


Foreign emissaries to China were often given coins and money in return for their tributary gifts .


The ministry of the Society consists chiefly in preaching; teaching catechism, especially to children; administering the sacraments especially penance and the Eucharist; conducting missions in the parishes on the lines of the Spiritual; directing those who wish to follow those exercises in houses of retreat, seminaries or convents; taking care of parishes or collegiate churches; organizing pious confraternities, sodalities, unions of prayer, Bona Mors associations in their own and other parishes; teaching in schools of every grade - academic; seminary, university; writing books, pamphlets, periodical articles; going on foreign missions among uncivilized peoples.

内政部社会构成,主要是在说教;教理讲授,尤其是儿童的情况;治国圣礼特别是忏悔和圣体圣事;进行特派团在该教区于字里行间的精神;引导那些希望仿效这些演习在房子的务虚会,修道院或修道院;照顾教区或合议教堂;组委会虔诚confraternities , sodalities ,工会的祈祷,真正的基准协会,在他们自己和其他教区;教学在学校的每一个年级-学术;修院,大学;写作书籍,小册子,期刊文章;正在进行外国使团之间的不文明人民。

The ministry of the Society consists chiefly in preaching; teaching catechism, especially to children; administering the sacraments especially penance and the Eucharist; conducting missions in the parishes on the lines of the Spiritual; directing those who wish to follow those exercises in houses of retreat, seminaries or convents; taking care of parishes or collegiate churches; organizing pious confraternities, sodalities, unions of prayer, Bona Mors associations in their own and other parishes; teaching in schools of every grade - academic; seminary, university; writing books, pamphlets, periodical articles; going on foreign missions among uncivilized peoples.

内政部社会构成,主要是在说教;教理讲授,尤其是儿童的情况;治国圣礼特别是忏悔和圣体圣事;进行特派团在该教区於字里行间的精神;引导那些希望仿效这些演习在房子的务虚会,修道院或修道院;照顾教区或合议教堂;组委会虔诚confraternities , sodalities ,工会的祈祷,真正的基准协会,在他们自己和其他教区;教学在学校的每一个年级-学术;修院,大学;写作书籍,小册子,期刊文章;正在进行外国使团之间的不文明人民。

The proselytizing activity of the Church is not confined to America; a Board of Foreign Missions established in 1832 was supplemented in 1875 by a Woman's Auxiliary Board.


Foreign mission work was inaugurated in 1879 by the sending of missionaries to Japan.


The Congregationalists have been very active in home and foreign mission work and possess eight theological seminaries in the United States viz.



The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
