英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second chapter analyzed its phylogeny, contrasted and classified the conformation in terms of the ancient period of external and internal and the modern times. The third chapter concluded the mainstream trend of transformation in contemporary days and sum up the character. Proceed with the basic patterns, the fourth chapter discussed the skills and technique of entrance space design concretely and practically. From the point of environment theory, the last chapter studied its meaning and function to surrounding quality, further advanced the ingression from a architectural element to a broad conception in city design.Combined with excellent examples of famous architect home and abroad, this thesis push forward its research to the skills and techniques of entrance space design.


However, Lee Myung-bak with foreign heads of state in the initial exchange, but came to China.


In some foreign systems it is the function of the court to produce the evidence; this is called the 'inquisitorial' method of procedure.


Beer drinkers warned they may get more than they ordered at the bar Fake "foreign" beers sold in some Beijing bars could cause sickness because of insanitary conditions in the brewing process, according to enforcement officers with the bureau of quality supervision in Chaoyang district.


Finally, the results of this study would be beneficial for the government to institutionalize its economy in such a way to facilitate and promote foreign direct investments.


The Boxers were suppressed by foreign force, but in their wake came the first signs of a growing anti-Manchu Chinese nationalism, expressed in newspaper articles and pamphlets, in economic boycotts, and in a flurry of insurrectionary activity aimed at undercutting the power of the Qing state from within.


The decline started before George W. Bush and his criminal co-conspirators accelerated it with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and our Constitution. It will continue, even with a Democratic administration, unless we reform our political system. We must remind Americans that our nation was born in an insurrectionist, populist rebellion against political tyranny and that 9/11 teaches us that we need a Second American Revolution. We must destroy the domestic Axis of Arrogance of our plutocracy more than fear a foreign Axis of Evil.

跌幅开始前,布什和他的刑事合作,共谋加快了它与他们公然无视法治与我们的宪法,它将会持续下去,即使是一个民主的政府,除非我们的改革我们的政治制度,我们必须提醒美国人我们的民族出生在一个insurrectionist ,民粹主义反抗暴政的政治和9 / 11教导我们,我们需要第二次美国革命,我们必须摧毁国内轴线的嚣张气焰,我们plutocracy多於害怕外国邪恶轴心。

Certainly every foreign intelligence agency in the world knows about it.


We believe firmly that there is a particular intelligence agency behind it.


U.S. National Security Agency (National Security Agency, referred to as NSA) is the largest U.S. government agencies in the intelligence department dedicated to the collection and analysis of foreign communications, part of the U.S. Department of Defense, is based on the order of the President of the United States to set up the department.

美国国家安全局(National Security Agency,简称NSA)是美国政府机构中最大的情报部门,专门负责收集和分析外国通讯资料,隶属于美国国防部,是根据美国总统的命令成立的部门。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
