英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Foreign demands to revalue the yuan will intensify. A new year looks sure to entrench old resentments.


According to our reporter learned that recently, there are many foreign enterprises in Tianjin, or to do market research, or prepare to do a formal entry or inspection site, or with partners to negotiate the next few years there will be a considerable number of listed companies outside of the investors and property developers have entered the market in Tianjin.


In particular, the implications of China's entry into the WTO.


Other diagnoses of similar symptoms might be croup, a foreign object in the throat, or other non-serious causes of swelling of the epiglottis.


This is a sub-service line within the Tax department specialising in a wide range of employee/employer issues including immigration, individual income tax compliance for expatriates, stock plan advice and implementation, individual income tax consulting and tax equalisation policy consulting.


Thanks to the economic reform across the country, farmers in China have smashed the "common big rice pot" system that existed for decades, i. e. the absolute equalitarian is mw hereby everyone get s the usual pay and benef its irrespective of his performance.

"打破大锅饭"是具有中国特色的流行语,若直译为smash the common big rice pot,不了解中国国情的外国读者就很难理解,这里作了解释性翻译予以补偿,同时尽可能保留民族特色。

Thank s to the econom ic refo rm acro ss thecoun t ry, farm ers in Ch ina have ** ashed the"common b ig rice po t"system that ex isted fo rdecades, i. e. the ab so lu te equalitarian ismw hereby everyone get s the u sual pay andbenef it s irrespect ive of h is perfo rm ance.

"打破大锅饭"是具有中国特色的流行语,若直译为** ash the common b ig rice po t,不了解中国国情的外国读者就很难理解,这里作了解释性翻译予以补偿,同时尽可能保留民族特色。

Thank s to the econom ic refo rm acro ss thecoun t ry, farm ers in Ch ina have sm ashed the"common b ig rice po t"system that ex isted fo rdecades, i. e. the ab so lu te equalitarian ismw hereby everyone get s the u sual pay andbenef it s irrespect ive of h is perfo rm ance.

"打破大锅饭"是具有中国特色的流行语,若直译为sm ash the common b ig rice po t,不了解中国国情的外国读者就很难理解,这里作了解释性翻译予以补偿,同时尽可能保留民族特色。

F: Equestrianism, swordplay, swimming, shooting and cross-country race.


This time of the year is also known as the vernal equinox when the days and nights are of equal length.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
