英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tsai said that on his breast, hanging jump Chinese dance,"Wei Ye" part of the roof due to perform, we need a lot of shouting, staff has been constantly reminded him not too hard G, so he followed aphonia affect performance, Tsai said:"When the great singer pressure, I understand the feelings Xueyou, in fact, I have a medicine to be a doctor to help me to come back from abroad, said foreign singers for the opening of Sound, 10000 10000 Ling test, so far, I have not tried, but who bring Pong, if Xueyou need can contact me, and I find his people to give it a try."


Under the two preceding kings, Amon and Manasse, idolatry had been introduced in the most shameful forms (especially the cult of Baal and Astarte) into the Holy City, and with this foreign cult came a foreign culture and a great corruption of morals.

根据前两次的国王,阿蒙和manasse ,偶像崇拜已推出,在最可耻的形式(尤其是邪教的巴力和阿斯塔特)进入圣城,以及与此外国邪教来到一个外国的文化和伟大的腐败,道德。

To exclude foreign intrigues and foreign partialities,so degrading to all countries and so baneful to free ones


Otherwise, I am analyzing the affections on the writer by the foreign art trends and the foreign writers, such as the Sentimentalism and Bathetic magazines in Britain, the naturalism in Japan, Theodor storm and Rudlf lindau in German and Turgenev in Russia etc..


This year in October, chinese the State Council promulgated orgnaization of foreign permanent news and foreign reporter to interview byelaw.


The table recent years our country numerical control gold cut theengine bed the production, the import, the exportation and the expensesituation Our country numerical control engine bed at present developmentcondition -- upscale product: The production are very few, moreovernearly all with beyond the border function part necessary, some orforeign brand China makes, the GPD value calculated you, the profitminute go very many; Middle-grade specially is on the middle-gradeproduct: The Chinese brand, the foreign function part and the coretechnology, you gain the capitellum, he gains the big end.


One way to stimulate the economy would be to sell stakes in government companies, which might also catch the eye of foreign investors, whom Mr Najib is trying to lure back.


You went to Xi'an and tasted all kinds of weird stuff like centipede.


Chapter 2 gives a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the CFC legislations of certain countries.


Foreign journalists and reporters both in and outside China, please fill out the online application form, and submit one digital chromotype (without hat, 70KB file size 1M).


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
