英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, Miss Toguri's story was all innocence. She had gone to Japan for the first time in 1941 to visit a dying aunt; the outbreak of war had trapped her there, an "enemy alien" without money and almost without the language. She was forced, like many other Allied prisoners-of-war, to work in propaganda broadcasting.


The gateway to the mind of America did not have to be rammed open by alien philosophy, the Enemy Without, for it was swung open to the invader by our inchoate longing for the beyond, the Enemy Within.


At the foreign institutions in China, or at the home of an alien in China.


Revulsion, horror, incomprehension — isn't her decision the epitome of the 'alienness' of foreign culture to many Britons?

憎恶,恐怖,不理解-都不是她决定的缩影' a lienness'的外国文化,对许多英国人?

Aligning the treatment of Chinese and Foreign Journalists.


By the end of the '90s, all-night parties on the Great Wall were drawing hundreds of Chinese and foreign ravers.


Last week, we told you that the number of foreign students in the United States had reached an all-time high.


He also describes the characteristics read.freeduan.com of neonatal tolerance induced by foreign allo- and self-antigens, which are the basis for understanding impaired infant immune response and which provide a rationale for the development of efficient neonatal vaccines.

他也描述新生儿的容忍的特性read.freeduan.com 外国allo 引起,自我抗原,用于理解削弱婴儿的免疫的反应是基础和为有效率的新生儿的疫苗的发展提供一个基本原理。

And the delicious Beijing snacks allure to the foreign tourists as well.


You do not know his alma mater in a foreign country into some changes in it!


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
