英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acceptance fee is payable when you are accepted into the Program to be a host family. This fee will cover costs as we begin communication with overseas families to secure a foreign student for you.


It's said that if someone owns the devil's principle,he owns the absolute authority,he can adjudge anyone who disobey the principle at anytime anywhere.


Present at the morning session were over 400 guests in including Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing,Commerce Min-ister Bo Xilai,Assistant Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang,leading members of the Foreign Ministry's departments and bureaus concerned,AFDC's advisors,council and ordinary members,entrepreneurs from China's mainland,Hong Kong and Macao as well as foreign envoys to China,of whom were more than 120 foreign ambassadors and charge-de-affairs.


Controlled foreign companies Under the controlled foreign company regime (otherwise known as "subpart F"), certain types of income of CFCs are included currently in the taxable income of US shareholders of the CFC.

受控外国公司根据受控外国公司规定(即, Subpart F),受控外国公司的某些收入应计入受控公司美国股东的当期应纳税所得。

Therefore, the Fourth Capture analyzed the general condition of Korea introducing foreign direct investment , compared simply the part elements of Korea and China introducing foreign direct investment , revealed the disadvantage of Korea , combinate the advantage and experience of China ,gave the important revelation of Korea introducing foreign direct investment with theory .


Herman then explains how the CIA finessed terrorism by referring to "Patterns of International Terrorism" defining it as follows:"Terrorism conducted with the support of a foreign government or organization and/or directed against foreign nationals, institutions, or governments." By this definition, internal death squads killing thousands are excluded because they're not "international" unless a foreign government supports them.


For the typical mutual-fund investor, who holds 12% to 15% in foreign stocks -- or half that in a 401 -- holding 55% in foreign stocks would seem like a massive overweighting toward overseas markets.


This is all the more amazing given that North Korean authorities distribute only radios with fixed dials, assiduously jam foreign broadcasts, and send citizens caught listening to foreign radio to the country's notorious gulags for as long as 10 years.


B. Stallings ," The Role of Foreign Capital in Economic Development ", in Gary Gereffi and Donald Wyman eds.


The regional differences in volume, density and annual growth rate of foreign investment s in U.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
