英语人>网络例句>外国 相关的搜索结果


与 外国 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then the CCAA will turn over the related information of the adoptee and the person placing out a child for adoption to the foreign government.

Examination and Matching 经中国收养中心审核,对符合中国有关法律规定条件的外国收养人,中国收养中心参照外国收养人的意愿为其选择适当的被收养人,并将被收养人、送养人的有关情况转交外国政府和收养人征求意见。

After the examination of the CCAA, for the foreign adopter whose conditions conform to the related legal provisions of China, the CCAA will select and match suitable adoptee according to the will of the foreign adopter.


Human Switzerland Germanic rule can be roughly divided into two parts of east-west, the western tribes from Burgundy league rule, a small number of their population, and cultural backwardness in occupied Switzerland after the acceptance of the local Roman - Celtic language and cultural traditions; Central and east by the Alemannic tribe league rule, they are occupied by the mountains of Switzerland and Rome, the lower the degree of regional, where the German language the victory, which divided East and West is now French-speaking Switzerland and German-speaking area embryonic

据统计,1996年,瑞士共有电影院 445家。39%的电影厅和 36%的座位集中在 5个大城市:苏黎世、巴塞尔、日内瓦、伯尔尼和洛桑。由于本国影片很少,所以外国影片充斥市场,其中美国电影最多,其次是德国、法国、意大利和英国电影。瑞士电视节目随着地区的不同内容有所差异。外国电视台的节目在瑞士各个不同语区都受到青睐,公众看外国台要比看瑞士广播电视公司所属电视台的节目兴趣更大,尽管该公司是瑞士全国权威电视机构。

The motive of selecting and approaching the subject is:with a China's objective,jurisprudential and internationalized eye to understand and observe China's system offoreign capital infusion,to define the concept of China's law on foreign direct investment,to solve some problems in China's current law on enterprises with foreign investment,to makesome researches on the basic theory of foreign direct investment,and to providetheoretical criterion to establish a new legal system and framework of China's foreigndirect investment.


You therefore do not meet the requirements of section 12 (1) of the immigration and refugee protection act ,2002 .in that you are a person described in section 4 of the immigration and refugee protection regulations ,revised on july 22,2004 subsection 12 (1) of the act states that a foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse ,common-law partner ,child ,parent or other prescribed family member of a canadian citizen or permanent residence subsection 4 of the regulations states that of the purpose of these regulations , a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse ,a common-law partner,a conjugal partner or adopted child of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or status or privilege under the act subsection 11(1) of the act provides that a foreign national must,before entering canada, apply to an officer for a visa or any other document required by the regulations.

和提供的资料,在您的采访时对2楼3月, 2008年你有没有感到满意,我认为你进入了婚姻与您的赞助商以外的其他的主要目的是获得入学加拿大作为一个家庭成员阶层。因此,你不符合要求的第12 ( 1 )的移民和难民保护法, 2002年,在这方面你是一个人第4条所述的移民和难民保护条例,修订于七月22,2004 第12 ( 1 )该法的国家的外国国民可以选择作为一个家庭成员阶层的基础上,他们的关系作为其配偶,共同普通法伙伴,子女,父母或其他指定的家庭成员一加拿大公民或永久居留第4条规定的国家的目的,这些规定,外国国民,不得视为配偶,一个共同的普通法伙伴,夫妻合伙人或领养的孩子,一个人如果结婚,共同法的伙伴关系,夫妻间的伙伴关系或通过是不是真正被进入的主要目的是获取任何身份或地位或特权,根据该法第11 ( 1 )该法规定,外国公民必须,才可进入加拿大,适用人员为签证或任何其他文件所规定的规例。

At the time of final settlement following the end of the year, no recomputation and reconversion need be made in respect of income in a foreign currency for which tax has already been paid on a quarterly basis; only that portion of the foreign currency income of the entire year for which tax has not been paid shall, in respect of the computation of taxable income, be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rate quotation on the last day of the tax year.


The letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the main person-in-charge of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, refers to the letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the general manager of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, which is signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the foreign insurance company.


Article 98 Enterprises which must complete procedures for tax refunds in the case of overpayments of tax may, where income in foreign currency has already been converted into Renminbi according to the foreign exchange rate, convert the amount of the tax in Renminbi to be refunded into foreign currency according to the exchange rate in effect when the tax was originally paid, and then reconvert this amount of foreign currency into Renminbi according to the foreign exchange rate at the date of issuance of the tax refund certificate.


Miss Ma : Ok, let me see, uh, firstly, there is two regulations relating to setting up a resident office of foreign company, one is called " Interim Provisions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Resident Representative offices of Foreign Enterprises"(herein after referred to as "the Interim Provisions"), the other one is called" Measures for Administration of Registration of Resident Offices of Foreign Enterprises"(hereinafter referred to as "the Measures for Administration").


You can shop for 24 carat gold jewelry. You can ask an artist to draw you a caricature of a famous person. You can watch someone carve your title into a piece of wood. You can even buy a type of superglue those comings in two parts.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
