英语人>网络例句>复苏 相关的搜索结果


与 复苏 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Second, since the outbreak of the international financial crisis we have made strong efforts to keep RMB exchange rate as a stable level, this as plate an important role in for city tatting the recovery in the global economy.


Even on this front, there are telltale signs of recovery.


The Fed decision to retain the language that the funds rate will be kept ldquo;exceptionally lowrdquo; for an ldquo;extended periodrdquo; makes sense given the tentativeness of the recovery, the enormous slack in the economy, current low inflation rates and stable inflation expectations.


Signs of recovery in the developed economies are more tenuous.


It will likely be a tepid comeback, but it will still fit economists' definition of a recovery.


However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful, destructive dragons from Thanatos appear on Earth.


Objective To investigate the effect of hypertonic saline/dextran 70 on delayed resuscitation of burn shock. Methods Eighteen mongrel dogs with 35% TBSA,third-degree burn were used in this study.

目的 从血流动力学、心肌力学及代谢等方面探讨高张氯化钠右旋糖酐液(7.5%氯化钠+6%右旋糖酐70,HSD)在烧伤休克延迟复苏中的作用。

Methods Eighteen mongrel dogs with 35% TBSA,third-degree burn were used in this study.Lactated Ringer's or 7.5% NaCl+6% dextran 70 was given for resuscitation 6h postburn.

目的 从血流动力学、心肌力学及代谢等方面探讨高张氯化钠右旋糖酐液(7.5%氯化钠+6%右旋糖酐70,HSD)在烧伤休克延迟复苏中的作用。

The recovery package that we're passing is only gonna be one leg in a - at least a three-legged stool.


Results: The resuscitation rate of circulation and respiration in Thumper CPR group was higher than that in the standard CPR group.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
