英语人>网络例句>声嘶力竭 相关的搜索结果


与 声嘶力竭 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This course is not love scenes in the drama, I and touching the passion to play is said to your mood is very high, very excited, very worthier.


Jack tried a Carl Perkins song, bawling "what I say-ay-ay," but he favored a sad hymn,"Water-Walking Jesus," learned from his mother who believed in the Pentecost, that he sang at dirge slowness, setting off distant coyote yips.

Jack唱了一首卡尔帕金斯的歌,声嘶力竭地唱到&what I say-ay-ay&,他特别喜欢的是一首忧伤的圣歌,&涉水而行的耶稣&,他想是他母亲在生灵降临节的时候教会他的,他像唱挽歌一样缓缓地唱着,引得远处狼嚎四起。

It was in september 1997 when Deathmaster, a member of the extreme metal band Agarthi, decided to give birth to one of his musical dreams: the creation of an epic metal act in the way of his favorite bands of the 80's.He immediately asked to Guardian Angel to take part in his project, and he agreed to work with Deathmaster…..on the same day, they were already writing the songs: DoomSword were born.


AGAINST the ear-piercing screech of the global economy hitting the brakes, what sounded like a piece of good news could still be heard this week.


On holidays, not for that annoying archaisms, ye or no and shouted themselves hoarse, life is not like drinking water is so insipid, everywhere, when even a simple drink and then will people think is a real enjoy, when I chose to accompany with the breeze and the sun and the moon peers, at this moment I would be, and the lark singing the release of the body of the sadness, the beauty of the whole soul Ambilight.

假日里,不在为那烦人的之乎者也,ye or no 而声嘶力竭,生活也不似白开水那般淡而无味,无处不在,这时哪怕是一种再简单的饮料,也会让人觉得是一种真正的享受,这时我选择与清风相伴与日月同行,此刻我会应和着百灵鸟的歌唱释放全身的哀愁,让整个心灵之美流光溢彩。

I yelled at the top of my lungs to get toms attention.


Assistant dean of college of advertisement of Chinese medium university Professor Zhang Shuting says, do not look down upon the TV ad of those shout oneself hoarse, it is very effective.


He could hear the hum of half-a-dozen voices in a room near him, and the jingling harmonies of a set of variations to Deh Conte, upon a piano, whose every wire was evidently in the last stage of attenuation.


Jugglers, dancers and pedlars stopped the thoroughfare, all shouting at the tops of their voices.


I heard it, and it was the voice of a human being—a known, loved, well-remembered voice C that of Edward Rochester, and it spoke in pain, wildly and urgently.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
