英语人>网络例句>塞入 相关的搜索结果


与 塞入 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Totally 90 patients with chronic nonbacterial prostate received prostate Bolt.


1 Respiratory defenses are compromised by mucociliary paralysis f rom smoking andby secretions plugging airways in lungs that arescarred and sacculated by the changes of chronicobst ructive pulmonary disease.


Tucked – untucked option is avaliable for player-edits.. I prefer untucked which seems more realistic during in-match.


Torre had been concerned about Rodriguez and his game for weeks before he called him into his office. Effort hadn't been the issue. If anything, he 31-year-old Rodriguez works too hard, crams too many bits of information into his head. He even studies videotape shot from centerfield cameras to see if he can decode patterns in catchers' signal sequences with a runner on second base.

在把他叫进办公室之前, Torre已经观察A-Rod和他的比赛状态好一阵子了,&不够勤奋&对A-Rod来说从来都不是一个问题,如果真有问题存在,肯定是这位31岁的明星球员过於努力并且试图在脑袋中塞入过量的资讯,他甚至还研究中外野摄影机所拍摄到的画面,企图破解捕手在二垒上有跑者时对其队友打出的暗号

As if noise and detail levels weren't bad enough from the latest batch of digital cameras based around the 8 megapixel Sharp CCD they've today announced one that crams even more pixels into tiny package.


Can't. Fumbles the final items into the bag. Walks away. Trying not to panic. Trying not to run.


If they were all crammed into a single state, it would be more populous than Wyoming, Vermont or North Dakota.


Hummin' for you Tony Montana T-shirt, khakis, tucked in bandanas Livin' amongst the most scandalous on the planet Yo!

hummin'为你汤尼蒙大纳圆领汗衫,卡其色,在花色丝质大手帕中塞入了 Livin'在行星上的最丑闻的当中 Yo!

Their living standard is terrible that 20 people are scrammed into a small room without windows.


The hungry man greedily shovelled the food into his mouth.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
