英语人>网络例句>塞 相关的搜索结果

与 塞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then they surrendered to the Ghaznavids. In the process of participating the tussles, the Seljuq people were gradually becoming stronger. Nearly one hundred years later, they developed from a barbaric uncivilized tribe who only took up a tiny area, to a great force that could sway the situation of the Central Asia. Finally, they defeated the regular army of the Ghaznavids and seized Khurasan in the north of the Amu Darya.


For them, nothing exists two leagues beyond the barriers: Ivry, Gentilly, Arcueil, Belleville, Aubervilliers, Menilmontant, Choisy-le-Roi, Billancourt, Mendon, Issy, Vanvre, Sevres, Puteaux, Neuilly, Gennevilliers, Colombes, Romainville, Chatou, Asnieres, Bougival, Nanterre, Enghien, Noisy-le-Sec, Nogent, Gournay, Drancy, Gonesse; the universe ends there.


For them, nothing exists two leagues beyond the barriers: Ivry, Gentilly, Arcueil, Belleville, Aubervilliers, Menilmontant, Choisy-le-Roi, Billancourt, Mendon, Issy, Vanvre, Sevres, Puteaux, Neuilly, Gennevilliers, Colombes, Romainville, Chatou, Asnieres, Bougival, Nanterre, Enghien, Noisy-le-Sec, Nogent, Gournay, Drancy, Gonesse; the universe ends there.

对他们来说 www.8Ttt8.com ,远离城门两法里以外,什么都没有。伊夫里、让第以、阿格伊、贝尔维尔、欧贝维利埃、梅尼孟丹、舒瓦齐勒罗瓦、比扬古、默东、伊西、凡沃尔、夫勒、普托、讷伊、让纳维利埃、科隆布、罗曼维尔、沙图、阿涅尔、布吉瓦尔、楠泰尔、安吉、努瓦西勒克、诺让、古尔内、德朗西、哥乃斯,①那便是宇宙的尽头了。①这些都是巴黎近郊的地名。

For them, nothing exists two leagues beyond the barriers: Ivry, Gentilly, Arcueil, Belleville, Aubervilliers, Menilmontant, Choisy-le-Roi, Billancourt, Mendon, Issy, Vanvre, Sevres, Puteaux, Neuilly, Gennevilliers, Colombes, Romainville, Chatou, Asnieres, Bougival, Nanterre, Enghien, Noisy-le-Sec, Nogent, Gournay, Drancy, Gonesse; the universe ends there.


But the campaign says thirteen might not meet that goal, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Mozambique and Thailand.


Sir, had one come and demanded Bunker Hill of the people of Massachusetts, had England's lion ever showed himself there, is there a man over thirteen and under ninety who would not have been ready to meet him?


In order to study the relatively intensity of Zeeman effect split spectrum line, the quantum number distribution and the relatively intensity are presented in detail by the analysis of Hg(546.1 nm) spilt spectrum line in the external magnetic field; the image of coherence circle is obtained by CCD, and the intensity of image is analyzed, the relatively intensity of the spilt spectrum line by image disposed is close to the theoretical result. It is concluded that the phenomenon and rule of Zeeman effect can be analyzed by CCD image technology.


This paper has analyzed alkali metals atom s eccentric Zeeman effect with fine structure at magneto - static field by using perturbation theory , and derived the energy s ecumenical expression of energy level splitting when eccentric Zeeman effect happened,and given the certification by the special example of Na atom.


Based on the research of the Zeeman effect of 633 nm He-Ne laser, we have observed and measured the beat frequency tuning curve of 543nm He-Ne laser under different magnetic field orientations and intensities.

参照633nmHe-Ne激光器的曼效应,对543nm He-Ne激光器在不同方向和强度磁场下的拍频调谐特性进行了观测,发现在横向磁场作用下激光器的频差过低而且调谐曲线不规则,而纵向磁场下的调谐曲线较好,所以决定采用纵向曼激光器进行稳频。

There are thirteen beautiful waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosemite Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
