英语人>网络例句>塑造了的 相关的搜索结果


与 塑造了的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I got it, I suppose, because I had been in the Navy. It was alluring to shoot in a submarine, with hand cameras and so forth. But it was a miserable little story. Here the auteurship of the studio comes in. But I did want to do pictures about America. Not just appeal to American tastes. The French call it contes moraux - a series of episodes. Not so much moral tales, as tales about peoples' morality.


To analyze people's music image, the article mainly discusses three main arias which show the development of Chan Juan's character; to exhibit figural extemporizes, the article analyzes various techno-lays such as vocality volume, timbre and breath in term of the movement of Chan Juan's emotions.


Western traditional construction attention independent "shape" the mold,the construction justs like a place entity the sculpture to be ordinary,also because of so,causes the building effect to the light shade utilization strongly,the exaggeration,to be succinct,to be pure,for human different psychological feeling.


The article deals with narration including the content, the structure and the paroles. What I made is a systematic study of the theme, the figure, the structure and the paroles. My work is trying to get a conclusion of the narrative of Zhang Yi-Mou's creation in the field of film in order to provide a vivid case of the narration analysis.


Chapter One presents the western yearning and the imagination of China, the motivation of Portuguese navigation as well as the formation of the Portuguese social psychology; these were the elements that construct the differences in the shaping of the Chinese image. Chapter Two outlines the images of China for the Portuguese in the 16th century and how these images were used or manipulated. Chapter Three identifies the reasons for Fernao Mendes Pintos excessive praise for China. Chapter Four discusses the attitude held towards China by poets and missionaries, and the European misinterpretations of the Chinese image. Chapter Five reviews the Chinese image portrayed by Eca de Queiroz, a Portuguese novelist, and the translations of Chinese poems by certain poets. Chapter Six investigates how poets, especially those who had once stayed in Macao, viewed and perceived China.

第一章概述西方对中国的向往和想象、葡萄牙海外扩张的动机以及民族心理的构成,这决定了他们在塑造中国形象时的某些相异性;第二章论述16世纪葡萄牙人眼中的中国形象,以及对这一形象的利用;第三章集中讨论费尔南·门德斯·平托狂想式赞颂中国的原因;第四章评述诗人和教士对中国的态度以及欧洲对中国形象的&误读&;第五章论及小说家埃萨(Eca de Queiróz)笔下的中国形象以及一些诗人对中国诗歌的翻译;最后一章聚焦澳门,考察在澳门生活过的葡萄牙作家是如何描述中国的。

Cao Wenxuan's children novels are one of children's literature creation harvests in the last few years .He pursues the classic writing , which makes his novels to be in a special class . the publication of three novels -----"grass house""red tile" and "root bird" about growth has received readers and commentators attention. experts and readers appreciate them highly.


We could lose We could fail In the moment It takes To make plans Or mistakes 30 minutes, a blink of an eye 30 minutes,to alter our lives 30 minutes,to make up my mind 30 minutes,to finally decide 30 minutes,to whisper your name 30 minutes,to shoulder the blame 30 minutes,of bliss, thirty lies 30 minutes,to finally decide Carousels In the sky That we shape With our eyes Under shade Silhouettes Casting shade Crying rain Can we fly?

我们输得起我们可以失败在这一刻它来了起飞还是错误? 30分钟,双眼的失明 30分钟,我们生活的改变 30分钟,作出我的决定 30分钟,最后的决定 30分钟,呢喃着你的名字 30分钟,肩负起过失 30分钟,祝福,为30个谎言 30分钟,作出最后的决定在天空里,喧闹的酒会,用我们的眼睛去塑造在影子之下黑色半身侧面影逃离阴影嘶鸣的雨我们能飞翔吗?

Two works of his,The Heathen Chinese,a poem,and Wan Lee,the Pagan,a story,take Chinese as the main characters,and they both disclose Harte's ambivalent attitude toward the Chinese: While he condemns the brutality and injustice inflicted upon the Chinese,he provides his readers with a biased and ex parte stereotype of the Chinese ...


Eustacia, the heroine of The Return of the Native, has received various criticisms. For example, Saturday Reviewer sees Eustacia as "a wayward and impulsive woman". Albert J. Guerard thinks that Eustacia is "the first of Hardy"s irresponsible and mildly neurotic hedonists." Havelock Ellis holds the view that "uperficially she was timid; it was beneath that timidity that her stronger and more rebellious spirit dwelt.


But Mr Horspool's achievement is to show the sheer extent to which rebellion in its many different shapes and forms has been a continuous and conscious tradition shaping the behaviour of both the ruled and their rulers. The Levellers in the 17th century saw their oppression as dating from the imposition of the "Norman yoke" in the 11th century; the 19th-century Chartists took their inspiration from Magna Carta in the 13th century; and those late 20th- century rebels defying Mrs Thatcher's poll tax referred directly back to the Peasants' Revolt of the 14th century.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
