英语人>网络例句>塑造了的 相关的搜索结果


与 塑造了的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analysis of antetype imago in the story revealed that the story of Cinderella controlled by paternity follows a set of gender orders. Gender power relations operate behind the set of orders gender, by which various imagoes are fixed in position.Through these imagoes some values are transmitted.The story of Cinderella belongs to some culture attribute, which women against the social background of paternity have to obey the male values and aesthetic ideal if wishing to improve their Social position .


Counterargument: although biology can help us understand the behavior of other animals, human behavior is much more complex and almost completely shaped by learning, culture, the social environment, and other nonbiological factors.

更重要的是(1)基因需要很长的时间才有显著的改变(2)因为99%的人类存在於与当代很不一样的环境,早期的人类环境塑造了我们的生理行为(biologically influenced behavior)。

Mary,for whose grave-stone he wrote the description'Youn9,Beautifuland Good',became the inspiration for theidealized innocent girls in his novels who are nevershown as mature married women,most notablythe tragic figure of Little Nell in The 014 CuriosityShop.


In his works, Faulkner renders all kinds of women. But the readers usually are impressed with negative woman figures, such as the cruel mothers, depraved daughters, the evil-minded cats, the abnormal virgins and the women with necrophilia like Emily so on.


From the pursuing of the"democratic island"in central Asian to the occuring of"Tulip Revolution",and from the believing inwestern democracy to centralized regime.from the blindfold imitation of exoticcivilization to relapsation into the circle of"democratic-authoritical"as the useless ofmany kinds of systems,and from too much modification in law to the uncertainingabout"presidentialism"and"parliamentarism"to cause a weak regime and so on.


In his way﹐Wang Du was fashioning his concept of the artist as self-media at the same time as a number of other artists who were active in this regard﹐including Pierre Huyghe and his Mobil TV﹐created with melik Ohanian in 1995 and 1998﹔Lincoln Tobier and Rirkrit Tiravanja and Radio Printemps&... in 1996 and Polyradiobuket in 2000﹔Gregory Green and his


From the "town hall" meeting in Shanghai stuffed with carefully schooled patsies of the Communist Youth League to the joint press conference with President Hu Jintao at which no questions were allowed, Mr Obama cut an uncharacteristically wooden, stilted figure.


PartⅡ. Dickinsons Letters from John Chinaman(also titled Letters from a Chinese official: beingan eastern view of western civilization) depicted the image of China superior to the occidentalworld in religion, social system, civilian life, art and aesthetics by contrasting Chinese andoccidental civilization. The author made use of the image of China as background to criticize Britishsociety, point out the obvious problems and latent crisis, refute the sayings in the Occident whichregarded China as yellow peril, an uncivilized nation.


As the tattoo of 80 generation, Transformers show the trend of Kidult in modern society consumerism of China. This leads to the public culture to the other side, which prefers more popular and unreal.


Rilke's Pink Hydrangea - While reading Rilke's poem "Pink Hydrangea," the picture of a beautiful flower appears before the reader - but the image of a flower step by step dissolves in the image of pink color as a separate and self-developing substance; and this is, I believe, one of the most important means in this poem to express its meaning and to create the necessary images in the head of the reader....


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
