英语人>网络例句>塑造了的 相关的搜索结果


与 塑造了的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His Song of the Dark Forest artfully evokes a folk idiom through its poetic metre (a modified kol'tsovskiy stikh ), word repetition, and spare harmony which avoids the leading note. The seven songs composed between 1867 and 1871 conclude with Borodin's second Heine setting, Iz slyoz moikh ('From my Tears'), which is noteworthy for still further effects derived from 2nds.

他的《黑暗森林之歌》以诗般的韵律( a modified kol'tsovskiy stikh ),歌词的重复以及避开导音的和声等艺术化的塑造了民歌的风格。1867年和1871年创作的七首歌中包括了鲍罗丁的第二首海涅组曲《从我的眼泪中》,其对于二度音程的进一步作用有显著的影响。

The diversifying trend of newspapers and periodicals in the period of May 4th attracts more attention.


From the Sundance film guide: A Dublin busker, who ekes out a living playing guitar and repairing vacuum cleaners for his dad's shop, meets a young Czech immigrant who sells roses on the same street.

故事就这么简单,但是作为音乐剧音乐是这部电影最大的亮点之一,塑造了极其浪漫唯美的氛围。有些影评家评onCE 是继"音乐之声"后最好的一部音乐片。

The central authorities naturally foster the illusion that they are not responsible for illegalities lower down, giving them leeway to step in with last minute concessions when protests look like getting out of hand.


Mann punctuates the conversation with what happens at each of the five stops, where he uses detailed character roles and convincing dialogue by writer Stuart Beattie to create, essentially, more short films that could be free-standing.

Mann不断用五个目的地所发生的事情打断这场对话,由此导演呈现了编剧Stuart Beattie所塑造出来的复杂的人物性格以及其间令人信服的对话,类似独立短片。

This is probably Reeves' best performance. He manages to create a believable character - a kind of example, a role model for the American way of life.


As her interest in Martin increased, the remodelling of his life became a passion with her.


Heard-working also rewords me with high scores in examination.


Ideas, and channel our actions ,good or bad ? Or are they merely interesting diversions ,conveyors


The financial crisis offered us a great opportunity to reflect upon the prosper of our time built up by the value of money as well as the detriments of the whole artistic system.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
