英语人>网络例句>塑造了的 相关的搜索结果


与 塑造了的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hunan Satellite TV With the "Happy Camp" program founder, the highly creative, leading interactive entertainment programs throughout the country in an endless stream of Hunan Satellite TV,"Super Girls","State of the ball ceremony" and other popular activities in the country's major television unrefunded heat,"Happy Male","To dream of war" and bring "joy and dreams," from viewers in order to provide a rich and colorful, dazzling at the same time an integrated experience, as well as Hunan Satellite TV to shape China's first TV entertainment brand image, greatly enhanced the competitiveness of Hunan Satellite TV and influence.


Yuan za ju is one of the most important literature phenomena in the antiquity literature.

摘 要:元杂剧是中国古代文学史上最重要的文学现象之一,也是戏曲发展的高峰阶段,塑造了很多女性形象。

It's the piece that builds character and the piece that you will remember the most.


If experiences of major booms and busts shape the way we behave, it's something that macroeconomists may need to take into account.


Social practice, knowledge accumulation and technological development have shaped the profile of the observer. As artists, Yin Zhaohui and Yin Zhaoyu propose to raise an observational system in the standardized and denaturalized public consciousness.


By means of analysis and comparison, this article points out that Chinese campus culture is quite different from its Occidental counterpart, and that college students create campus culture which, in turn, imbues the students of different times with different spirits of the age.


ShenCongwen has mounded image of a series of \" boor's \" extremely with strong character in the society of western Hunan with its unique technique. \


Yesterday's predators, obsessed by their takeovers and mergers, will give way to nimbler, smarter carmakers that will reshape the global industry.


Liu Shaotang, a contemporary pastoral writer, changed the weak and submissive erected of women in traditional Chinese literature, with his pen, a series of chivalrous images. This is typically manifested in his post-cultural-revolution novellas.


In these works, Lu Xun has portrayed three kinds of different intellectual images.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
