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与 基于... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mumford-Shah method proposed by Mumford and Shah can deal with the leak problem of level set method.


Based on principle, based on dignity, I had forfeited my dream of a Naval Academy graduation.


The features of the "Red Fillet On Earth" is summarized to six unites of the opposites as follows:(1) the unity of the historic authenticity based on the documents and the art authenticity based on the unique painting skills;(2) the unity of the continuity of the development of the works as a whole and the independent appreciation of each single work;(3) the unity of the construction of the stories in the paintings and the clue of it;(4) the unity of the content of the stories and the style of the paintings;(5) the unity of the positiveness of the people depicted in the work and the negativeness of the environment in it;(6) the unity of the modesty of aesthetic pursuing and the enrichment of the painting.


Basing on the future of fractal,this paper introduces the density analysis method and points out the defects of existing feature selection method based on fractal dimension.Then a feature selection method based on fractal and changes of neighborhood space density is proposed.


In: Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1958~1962.[9] Kennedy J. Small worlds and Mega-minds: effects of neighborhood topology on particle swarm performance. In: Proceedings Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1931~1938.[10] Peram T, Veeramachaneni K, Mohan C K. Fitness-distance-ratio based particle swarm optimization.

近来性能较为显著的基于PSO算法的改进算法有Thanmaya Peram[10]等人于2003年提出的基于粒子群优化的适应值-距离-比例算法(Fitness-Distance-Ratio based Particle Swarm Optimization, FDR-PSO),在此算法中每个粒子根据一定的适应值-距离-比例原则,向附近具有较好适应值的多个粒子进行不同程度的靠近,而不仅仅只向当前所发现的最好粒子靠近。

In conjunction with MICQ, a nephogram clustering algorithm based on PSO is proposed, of which the coding and fitness function are projected. In addition, nowadays, many researches of nephogram classification usually focus on some single feature, and the classifications are achieved based on these unique features, correspondingly. This strategy would probably ignore the potential which is provided by the combined classification based on multiple features.


Finally, according to the various properties of the optimization algorithms, the optimization algorithms have been applied to predicting the silicon content of hot metal and to optimizing the operation parameters of the blast furnace to meet the need of the higher hot metal output and the lower coke rate. Major research work in this paper includes:(1) Based on the study of the statistic property of the Logistic chaos map, the author has proposed the nested intervals chaos search method which improves the ergodicity of the chaos search by searching the area once more where the probability distribution is small.


According to the spatial query technique and the topological predicates supported by ArcSDE,three methods are proposed for implementing topological join with ArcSDE,including Spatial Constraints Query Topological Join,Predicates Nested Loop Topological Join,and Filter-Refining 2 Phases Topological Join(FR2PTJ).


Include among them according to the management function of net tube terrace with according to the comprehensive network of the WEB management system.


Based on the above research , this paper puts forward Trusted Newsgroup Network Model based on AAA Protocol.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
