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与 基于... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The people had no agriculture but, over thousands of years, had developed techniques and equipm ent to exploit their environm ent, basing their econom y on fishing in stream s and coastal w aters that teem ed w ith salm on, halibut, and other varieties of fish; gathering abalone, m ussels, clam s, and other shellfish from the rocky coastline; hunting land and sea m am m als; and collecting w ild plant foods.

他们没有农业,但是经过几千年,已经发展了探索自身环境的技术和设备。他们是基于大量出现鲑鱼、大比目鱼和其他多种鱼类的自身流域和水岸捕鱼的经济;基于从落基山水岸聚集了鲍鱼、蚌类、蛤和其他贝壳动物的经济;基于捕猎地域和海洋哺乳动物的经济;以及基于收集野生植物的食物的经济; 10。

According to the differences of concrete object and process, we can subdivide the integrating methods of digital resources based on OPAC system, navigation system, link system, and cross database retrieval system.

根据具体对象及过程的不同,可以将数字资源整合方式分为基于 OPAC 系统的数字资源整合、基于导航系统的数字资源整合、基于链接系统的数字资源整合和基于跨库检索系统的数字资源整合。

The first chapter of the paper mainly states the research of HPM source and HPM appliance based on the transit-time effect,the second chapter introduces a variety of HPM source in investgating course,capability,fabric,research condition,developing tendency aspects and so on,the third chapter descants HPM source based on the axial transit-time effect , the radial transit-time effect and the low diode impedance HPM source based on the axial transit-time effect,the forth chapter includes a conclusion of HPM source and HPM appliance based on the transit-time effect,and gives a assumption of the work in the future.


The synthetic study that makes theory into practice is little. And the dissertation of the strategy that base on the core capability is little too. By studying the characteristic of dynamic situation and core capability, the text formulizes the relationship between core capability and the strategy of the enterprises. By means of SWOT, the text takes the important position of time and core capability into account and tries to analyze core capability-based strategy. The text emphasizes the balance between the foundation of core capability and the exertion of core capability in order to acquire the dominance of competitive advantage. By means of PDCA, on the base of the dynamic characteristic of core capability and the strategy, the text integrates the core capability and the strategy together. On the base of the core capability, the text analyzes the strategy of low cost, difference, merger and diversification, and gets the goal and measurement of these kinds of strategy. Through the study of these issues, the text integrates the core capability and strategy, and.


The mosaic technology includes auto mosaicking, mosaicking by drawing a mosaic line, gray mosaicking, color mosaicking, mosaicking by drawing a mosaic line for mosaicking complex area by drawing a mosaic line, gray mosaicking, color mosaicking for eliminating the difference of geometry and color.


Content based detection method employs Libpcap to sniffer the suspicious traffic from the scanning hosts, reassembles the TCP streams and extracts longest common substrings from those streams using suffix tree algorism.

基于扫描行为特征的检测技术、基于限速和阻断的蠕虫控制技术是基于Linux 2.4.x内核的Netfilter防火墙架构实现,通过在内核层加载钩子函数截获数据包,根据不同的控制策略对可疑的数据包进行不同力度的控制;基于内容的检测技术在网络链路层使用Libpcap监听可疑主机的数据包,通过分析TCP状态建立TCP连接表对数据包进行流重组,使用后缀树在多个数据流中寻找最长公共子串的方法提取蠕虫特征码。

On this basic, we use intelligent decision technology based on case reasoning to NC cutting parameter decision and analysis. According the characters of NC cutting parameter decision, we take decision based on NC techniques rule, cutting case matching based on similar degree and cutting parameter correcting based on rules to design and realize system. Combining many field technologies, it makes a unique method to resolve NC cutting parameter problem. This design pattern is a new thinking for NC cutting parameter process.


Reliable multicast solutions based on this technology include data carousels based on multiple transmissions, block encoding based on Reed-Solomon codes, and digital fountains based on fountain codes .

基于该技术的可靠组播解决方案主要包括:基于重复传输的数据轮播解决方案,基于RS码(reed-solomon codes)的分块编码解决方案,以及基于喷泉码的数字喷泉解决方案。

In the third part,dynamic time history analysis and Pushover analysis of a frame shear wall structure have been finished.


The state equation of induction motor with G-type parameters was established and a flux observer was designed based on U-N model. The speed adaptive law was deduced by the theory of Lyapunov stability. A method of model reference adaptive speed estimation based on the full order flux observer was proposed and a scheme of induction motor direct torque control without speed sensor was studied.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
