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Some methods that are usually used now and their characteristics of bore-hole trajectory are introduced; Analysis the main factors which affect bore-hole trajectory; A model of rock-bit interaction is developed by accounting for the anisotropic drilling characteristics of both the formation and the bit; Base on the model of static behavior of a bottomhole assembly design a bore-hole trajectory; produce a demo of bore-hole trajectory base on 3DS Max.

本论文对井眼轨迹反演理论及方法作了简要的分类,介绍了几种目前常用的井眼轨迹反演方法及其特点;分析了影响井眼轨迹的主要因素;综合考虑地层和钻头的各向异性钻井特性,建立钻头与地层相互作用模型,基于钻柱底部组合力学模型设计出一条井眼轨迹;制作了基于3DS Max的井眼轨迹演示动画。

To Boulainvilliers and Montesquieu, living in an age of absolute monarchy, the most striking characteristic of the Middle Ages was the parceling out of sovereignty among a host of petty princes, or even lords of villages.


An example is given to compare the proposed method with the bounding box method so as to prove the superiority of the method.


A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.

一些艺术收藏家,如波士顿的James Bowdoin III、弗吉尼亚的William Byrd和凤凰城的Aliens and Hamiltons家族,介绍欧洲的艺术给那些有特权去参观他们画廊,尤其是那些有抱负的艺术家们的画廊的殖民者,并且建立了基于他们各自团体的艺术价值的观点和基于投入了他们资金的艺术机构的需求。

A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, WilliamByrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphiaintroduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged tovisit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established intheir respective communities the idea of the value of art and the needfor institutions devoted to its encouragement.

一些艺术收藏家,如波士顿的JamesBowdoin III、弗吉尼亚的William Byrd和凤凰城的Aliens andHamiltons家族,介绍欧洲的艺术给那些有特权去参观他们画廊,尤其是那些有抱负的艺术家们的画廊的殖民者,并且建立了基于他们各自团体的艺术价值的观点和基于投入了他们资金的艺术机构的需求。

An H bridge driving circuit for electric motors in actuation mechanisms is designed with a PID-based control program worked out.


And studied the method of application of network calculus to resource reservation.Based on network calculus,derived the effective bandwidth constrained by end-to-end delay and equivalent capacity for a given buffer size.Analyzed network performances such as maximum delay and queueing buffer length,gave the arrival curve and service curve.


When designed the project of mobile service system , basing on the characteristics such as the bulkiness of users ,variety of users's terminal device , etc , adopted Scalable Vector Graphics which is XML's dialects on graphics , developed an opening mobile service system through combining the portability of java .


In chapter 3, in view of the control problems of the distillation columns in the butadiene plant, the advanced control strategy based on soft-sensing technology is designed, and the implementing method based on OPC technology is proposed. Firstly, the control system is reconstructed.

第3 章针对某石化企业丁二烯装置的精馏工段中组分浓度的控制难题,设计了基于软测量技术的先进控制方案,提出了基于OPC 技术的先进控制实现方法。

And the on chip data memory is byte addressable double data buffer structure, so that the unaligned data load and store can be supported and data can be prepared by DMA engine concurrently with computing.Finally, a video application specific SoC platform design and optimize. In video SoC platform, the embedded RISC processor and EDO-SIMD video processing engine were integrated with the DMA and LCDC etc. IP based on AMBA SoC interconnection and dedicated communication channel.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
