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Generally, the main research points in this paper are as follows:Image Stitching is one of the key technology in virtual reality construction,we proposes two ambient light independent panorama mosaics methods based on feature: image stitching algorithm based on stationary wavelet decomposition and homomorphic filtering, and image stitching algorithm based on ring projection and energy function optimization.


This dissertation's main work and innovations is following: 1. The 6DOF kinematic and dynamic equations of motion for multiple thrusters AUV are derived and presented in a compact form using vector notation. The hydrokinetics of the MTAUV is classified anew. The MTAUV has two kinds of work modes which are cruising and hovering. The fluid dynamical mathematics description of the MTAUV is given anew. 2. The kinetics equations of the MTAUV in the low speed hovering are analyzed and studied.


In the layout analysis, we chose a bottom-up algorithm based on nearest neighbor connect-strength and line confidence to segment the image area, table area and text area; In the printed Chinese character recognition module, we calculate the degree of incorporative difference to match the character, also define a refusal class which could orientate the mathematical expression automatically; Put the expression into the formula processing module, then we chose the character segmentation method based on connectivity and the template match method to recognize the character in the mathematical expression and at last we used the structure analysis based on the character to transform the two dimension formula into one dimension Word EQ expression.

在版面分析中,采用基于最近邻连接强度和行列可信度的自底向上的版面分析算法,分割出图像区域、表格区域和文本区域;在汉字识别模块中,采用回溯切分方法切分出字符段,计算合并差异度与特征字典比较,通过引入汉字的拒识类,从而实现了公式的定位;将定位后的数学公式送入公式识别器,在公式识别器中采用基于连通域搜索的字符分割方法和模板匹配方法对字符识别,对于识别出的字符,再采用基于特征字符的结构分析方法,从而将二维的数学公式转化为一维的Word EO域语句。

With the compare of research methods such as direct experiment, indirect method and numerical simulation method, and with the applied background of the Virtual Prototype technology, the paper puts forward a new strategy for the design of the testing device for dynamic response of road based on Pro/E、 ADAMS and ANSYS software. On the basis of the theory, this paper analyze the scheme and the important parts, and has proposed that actual modeling parameter, pattern and arrangement scheme, and structured the complete machine scheme of a testing device for testing road dynamic response based on dynamic load of vehicle-road.


Party B has no obligation to be responsible for Party A's any indirect or punitive loss arising from this contract or is relevant to this contract, no matter this obligation is arising from breach of contract or infringement or strict responsibility, or other conditions, no matter whether Party B has been informed of the possibility of Party A has been influenced by such damages.


The reference crop evapotranspiration(ET0) in Guanzhong region was calculated with the Penman-Monteith equation. The change characteristics of meteorological factors and ET0 over year were analyzed. The regressing relation between ET0 and geography factors was established. Space distribution of ET0 based digital elevation model was obtained. The water consumption model of main cropes was established using the crop cofficient method. The irrigation water requirement of main crop and it's space distribution based DEM under the different precipitation probability was obtained, which advanced the calculation precision of ET0 from spot scal to regional scal. The concept of water consumption under the irrigational scal was proposed. The water consumption model of different water user and model of groundwater balance based on the water consumption of Baojixia irrigation district was established. Which can refects the relation between water utilization, water consumption and change amount of groundwater resouces.

深入分析了关中地区气象要素的变化趋势,用Penman-Montainth 公式计算了参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET0),建立了ET0与地理要素的多元回归关系,获得了基于数字高程模型DEM的关中地区ET0的空间分布图;用作物系数法建立了关中主要作物生育期耗水模型,获得了主要作物在不同降雨条件下的灌溉需水,以及基于DEM的主要作物灌溉需水空间分布图,提高了作物蒸发蒸腾量由点到面尺度转换过程中的估算精度;界定了灌区尺度的耗水量的概念,包括用水耗水和非用水耗水,建立了灌区耗水量计算模型及基于耗水量变化的浅层地下水均衡模型,能较好地反映灌区引水量、耗水量及地下水蓄变量之间的内在关系。

A beamforming algorithm of array with virtual based on least squares estimator is presented, and the modified algorithm is proposed further. In this thesis, we also study the beamforming algorithm of array with virtual elements based on time delay and summation.


Based on the study of Likelihood Ratio Test voice activity detection algorithm and discussion about decision-directed LRT and smoothed LRT voice activity detection algorithms, we proposed a novel voice activity detection algorithm for improving speech detection robustness in noisy environments.


Fast Line Integral Convolution with constant filter kernels as well as with triangular filter kernels are presented,which are faster than the original Line Integral Convolution approach about an order of magnitude in rendering actual vector fields.


In this paper, two models of online super short-time load forecasting are proposed. One is based on the linear extrapolation, the other on the BP.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
