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与 城墙 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus,Babylonian records stay silent on the matterTablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens,although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are foundEven the historians who give detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw themModern historians argue that when Alexander's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were impressedWhen they later returned to their rugged homeland, they had stories to tell about the amazing gardens and palm trees at MesopotamiaAbout the palace of Nebuchadnezzar About the Tower of Babel and the zigguratsAnd it was the imagination of poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements together to produce one of the World Wonders

虽然对花园最详尽的记述是出自Berossus 和 Diodorus Siculus等希腊历史学家笔下,但巴比伦的历史记录却对此事只字未提。尽管在尼布甲尼撒时期存留下的各种书写板上发现了对他的宫殿、巴比伦城以及巴比伦的城墙的种种描述,但这些书写板上却没有一处提到过空中花园。甚至那些对空中花园进行过详细描述的历史学家们也从没有亲眼目睹过它们。现代历史学家争论说:当亚力山大的士兵们到达了富饶的美索不达米亚地区并看到了巴比伦时,他们深为所震撼。当他们后来回到崎岖不平的家乡时,带回了有关美索不达米亚的令人惊叹的花园和椰子树……、有关尼布甲尼撒的宫殿……以及有关巴别塔和金字型神塔的各种故事。是诗人和古代历史学家的想象力把这所有的元素混合在一起制造出了世界奇观之一。

About one hundred years ago, two Europeans traveled to South Arabia and found writing on walls in the city of Marib.


Like Hamlet as he strolled the ramparts of Elsinore castle, Danish voters last week confronted a damatic dilemma


The son of Geber in Ramoth-gilead; he had the towns of Jair, the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead, and the country of argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great towns with walls and locks of brass."


The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great cities with walls brasen bars

4:13 在基列的拉末有便基别,他管理在基列的玛拿西子孙睚珥的城邑,巴珊的亚珥歌伯地的大城六十座,都有城墙和铜闩。

The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great cities with walls and brasen bars

4:13 在基列的拉末有便基别,他管理在基列的玛拿西子孙睚珥的城邑,巴珊的亚珥歌伯地的大城六十座,都有城墙和铜闩。

The son of Geber, in Ramothgilead; to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to him also pertained the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, threescore great cities with walls and brasen bars

4:13 在基列的拉末有便基别,他***在基列的玛拿西子孙睚珥的城邑,巴珊的亚珥歌伯地的大城六十座,都有城墙和铜闩。

Surrounded by a900- m-long wall , the city contains palaces, churches, monasteries and unique public and private buildings marked by Hindu and Arab influences, subsequently transformed by the Baroque style brought to Gondar by the Jesuit missionaries.


Hadrian's Wall is the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain.


The German frontiers have yielded most of the archaeological evidence of its prosperity: small cult objects connected with Mithra turn up in archaeological digs from Romania to Hadrian's Wall.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
