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与 垫 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Work in office division by day, fill up moistureproof mat to sleep in big assembly room in the evening.


Kalamaili suture zone is an important plate boundary in north Xinjiang, and there are plenty of Neopaleozoic volcanic rocks around itThese volcanic rocks are enriched in LILEs and relatively depleted in HFSEs, and they are also characterized by high Nb, Zr, TiO2 contents and Zr/Y, Nb/Y ratios, and depleted SrNd isotopesThe characteristics of these volcanic rocks suggest that they were produced in postcollisional periodThe postcollisional volcanic rocks around Kalamaili suture zone become younger from west to east, which indicates that this suture zone entered postcollisional period gradually from west to east, and reflects that the Kalamaili Ocean had been closed gradually from west to eastAs to the Kalamaili suture zone in postcollisional period, the lithosphere extended and thinned, and the asthenosphere materials upwelled and melted partially, and intensive mantle convection occurred, leading to a plenty of mantlederived magmas underplating the suture zoneThe lithospheric mantle metasomatized by fluid in subduction period melted partially under decompression and high temperature, the resulting melts contaminated the underplating asthenospheric materials, and the erupted lavas became the Neopaleozoic postcollisional volcanic rocks


Objective To explore the effective method of eliminating the tissue damages of tooth,pericementum and temporomandibular joint caused by children s bruxism.

目的 探讨解除儿童磨牙症对患者牙体、牙周、颞颌关节等组织损害的有效方法。方法采用自行研制的软树脂牙合给 96例磨牙症患者配戴,观察其疗效,并与 82例配戴硬塑料牙合者进行比较。

This model utility has provided the quakeproof corrosion prevention sleeve which one kind of thermos uses, it makes by the elastomer material, divides the wrap bottom and the sleeve two parts.


At first,ecological mat can effectively reduce soil temperature of the soil layer from 0 cm to 15 cm,in detailed,the average daily soil temperature can decrease 2.06℃ to 4.56℃,which is benefit to reduce soil evaporation in high temperature;During the rainless period,the soil moisture content covered by ecological mat is much higher than mobile sand,especially,the soil moisture content of the layer form 0 cm to 15 cm always keep ...

首先生态能够显著降低沙地0~15 cm的土壤温度,日均温可降低2.06~4.56℃,有利于沙地高温条件下减少土壤蒸发;在连续无降雨的情况下,生态下各层次的土壤含水量都高于流动沙丘裸地,尤其是15~30 cm含水量相对稳定,人工植被建立后,其保存率、生长量较流动沙地均有较大幅度的提高。

C Relationship among subfamilies based on EST characters is somewhat compatible to intrafamily phylogeny proposed by Schuh (1976), but it is clear that Orthotylinae and Phylinae are not directly sister grouped. The relationship should be corrected into ( Phylinae Orthotylinae .

3酯酶同工酶酶谱特征所反映出的盲蝽科4个亚科间的相互关系与Schuh 1974年所做的盲蝽科内系统发育部分一致,但合盲蝽亚科与叶盲蝽亚科之间不是直接的姐妹群关系。4个亚科的关系为(((盲蝽亚科Mirinae,齿爪盲蝽亚科Deraeocorinae)叶盲蝽亚科Phylinae)合盲蝽亚科Orthotylinae)。

With quality as the central idea of each Seric person, Seric has become one of the most competitive manufacturers, and its products are the first choice of plentiful domestic and overseas designers for vestibule dust-removing system.

赛瑞与欧美LOMBOK GEL、SERIC地公司合作,赛瑞所生产的铝合金除尘地各项性能参数均通过国际权威机构检测认证,质量是每位赛瑞人的中心思想,赛瑞系列的产品已成为国内最具有竞争力的厂商之一,是广大国内外设计师对于门厅除尘系统的首选产品。

Seric has cooperated with LOMBOK GEL and SERIC door mat companies from Europe and America. Europe and the United States the Company introduced the latest production technology and equipment, after years of hard work and development, has accumulated a considerable wealth of expertise and experience, with sound detection, construction and after-sales service, Each performance parameter of the aluminum alloy dust-removing door mats manufactured by Seric has passed the testing and certification of international authoritative organs.

赛瑞与欧美LOMBOK GEL、SERIC地公司合作,本公司引进了欧美最新生产技术和设备,经过多年来的努力耕耘与发展,积累了相当丰富的专业技术及经验,具有完善的检测、施工及售后服务,赛瑞所生产的铝合金除尘地各项性能参数均通过国际权威机构检测认证,产品质量居国内领先水平。

Seric has cooperated with LOMBOK GEL and SERIC door mat companies from Europe and America. Each performance parameter of the aluminum alloy dust-removing door mats manufactured by Seric has passed the testing and certification of international authoritative organs. With quality as the central idea of each Seric person, Seric has become one of the most competitive manufacturers, and its products are the first choice of plentiful domestic and overseas designers for vestibule dust-removing system.

赛瑞与欧美LOMBOK GEL、SERIC地公司合作,赛瑞所生产的铝合金除尘地各项性能参数均通过国际权威机构检测认证,品质是每位赛瑞人的中心思想,赛瑞系列的产品已成为国内最具有竞争力的厂商之一,是广大国内外设计师对于门厅除尘系统的首选产品。

Seric has cooperated with LOMBOK GEL and SERIC door mat companies from Europe and America. Each performance parameter of the aluminum alloy dust-removing door mats manufactured by Seric has passed the testing and certification of international authoritative organs. With quality as the central idea of each Seric person, Seric has become one of the most competitive manufacturers, and its products are the first choice of plentiful domestic and overseas designers for vestibule dust-removing system.

赛瑞与欧美LOMBOK GEL、SERIC地公司合作,赛瑞所生产的铝合金除尘地各项性能参数均通过国际权威机构检测认证,质量是每位赛瑞人的中心思想,赛瑞系列的产品已成为国内最具有竞争力的厂商之一,是广大国内外设计师对于门厅除尘系统的首选产品。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
