英语人>网络例句>坦克炮 相关的搜索结果


与 坦克炮 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was far development of the British Carden-Loyd tankette, which was advertised also in a light SP-gun variant, with a short-barrel 47 mm Vickers QF infantry gun.

之前英国人在他们的卡登-路得超轻型坦克上开发了一种装备有一门短管的47mm Vickers步兵炮的自行火炮改进型号。

Organizationally, this group was comprised of the 21st Perm Rifle Division, 35th Rifle Division, 36th Transbaikal Rifle Division, 5th Cavalry Brigade, Buryat-Mongolian Cavalry Division, a separate tank company, 6th Aviation Detachment, 25th Aviation Detachment, 26th Bomber Squadron, 18th Artillery Battalion of corps artillery, 18th Engineer Battalion, and 1st Railroad Company.


In one case the gun had been used to knock out four nesting tanks, the closest being


In one case the gun had been used to knock out four nesting tanks, the closest being 15 yards and the farthest 75 yards.


The Predator is now available at Tier 3 with an Auto Cannon and 2 Heavy Bolters.


Everywhere the haystacks and the shed are burning, dead cows can only be seen.


The horse artillery regiment was made up of two battalions with 8 75mm Krupp model 1904 and 1912. Each brigade also had an AT squadron equipped with 47mm B鰄ler model 1935 towed by Tatra 93 T trucks or Malaxa UE light armoured tracked vehicle.

马拉炮兵团由2个营组成(8门75mm Krupp 1904或1912型)每个旅也有一个反坦克连,装备有用Tatra 93 T卡车或者Malaxa UE 轻型装甲履带车牵引的47mm B鰄ler 1935型炮。

The Weapon Company has six 82 mm mortars, six 82 mm recoilless guns, and six anti-tank guided missile launchers.


Originally designed to serve as a "final defense" security cannon, the siege tank adopted a two-stage configuration in its final form: a mobile assault mode and a deployed siege mode that brought its massive shock cannon to bear.


The vertical armour of a Tiger I, although thicker than that of a Panther, was more easily defeated by the sharp-nosed projectile of the JS-2 Main Gun, whilst it often ricocheted off the sloped armour of a Panther.

虎-1坦克的垂直装甲,尽管比黑豹的厚,但却更容易被 JS-2主炮的尖头的穿甲弹击穿,而对黑豹的倾斜装甲经常会发生跳弹。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
