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与 坠落 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The conquerd also, and enslav'd by Warr Shall with thir freedom lost all vertu loose And fear of God, from whom thir pietie feign'd In sharp contest of Battel found no aide [ 800 ] Against invaders; therefore coold in zeale Thenceforth shall practice how to live secure, Worldlie or dissolute, on what thir Lords Shall leave them to enjoy; for th' Earth shall bear More then anough, that temperance may be tri'd: [ 805 ] So all shall turn degenerate, all deprav'd, Justice and Temperance, Truth and Faith forgot; One Man except, the onely Son of light In a dark Age, against example good, Against allurement, custom, and a World [ 810 ] Offended; fearless of reproach and scorn, Or violence, hee of wicked wayes Shall them admonish, and before them set The paths of righteousness, how much more safe, And full of peace, denouncing wrauth to come [ 815 ] On thir impenitence; and shall returne Of them derided, but of God observd The one just Man alive; by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst, To save himself and houshold from amidst [ 820 ] A World devote to universal rack.


I have to the work to persist the …… The speciallyHave a passion for the work, the because the work 撵 runs three devils: Boredom, beggarliness, the sink into, my the whole life value will carry out in the work!


By his body's known weight of eleven stone and four pounds in avoirdupois measure, as certified by the graduated machine for periodical selfweighing in the premises of Francis Froedman, pharmaceutical chemist of 19 Frederick street, north, on the last feast of the Ascension, to wit, the twelfth day of May of the bissextile year one thousand nine hundred and four of the christian era (jewish era five thousand six hundred and sixtyfour, mohammadan era one thousand three hundred and twentytwo), golden number 5, epact 13, solar cycle 9, dominical letters C B, Roman indiction 2, Julian period 6617, MCMIV.

28他是凭着常衡制十一斯通零六磅的体重坠落的。他所使用的是弗雷德里克街北区十九号的药剂师弗朗西斯。弗罗德曼的店铺内那台供定期测量体重的有刻度的自动磅秤。日期是耶稣升天的最后节日,即闰年基督教公元一九0 四年(犹太历公元五六六四年,伊斯兰历公元一三二二年)五月十二日。金号码五,闰余十三,太阳活动周九,主日字母CB,罗马十五年历二,儒略周期六六一七年,MCMIV 。

TRY this next time you are strolling on a cliff. Toss a rock (the size of a blood orange is good) over the edge and begin to count. It falls at the speed of a tumbling human so will reach 200km per hour after nine seconds, roughly the acceleration of a supercar.


The bowline has worked loose on me during long routes, however the 'improved bowline' is something I use when I am sport climbing and falling off is more frequent.


The aircraft crashed and burst into flame.


And you, Capernaum, who have been exalted to heaven, to Hades you will be brought down.

10:15 还有你,迦百农啊,你已经被高举到天上,你必坠落到阴间。

Slings, two karabiners together with a carrier bag, which can be fixed


Certain support of the people that can drop down there , be so ideal that one needs to hurt surely in coming true , probably having to abandon a few coming and going of catkin thing being born in up in this, has to remember a little years precipitate the characteristic asking residual happiness to be life with pity , this afterwards surely out.


He was watching Clacker fall.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
