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与 坠落 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following truck loader is one of the biggest in the world - lenth 13.36 meters, width 7.78 meters and height 6.65 meters.


A matriarch and high priestess of Elune's blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield.

作为月神Elune庇护下的长老和高等祭司,Mirana Nightshade在近卫军团中就如同那黑暗中的一线光明。她以雨点一般的箭矢和坠落的流星抵挡蜂拥而至的天灾大军,而她神圣的存在,消除了四周友军的疲倦,让他们在战场上的速度得到极大的提升。

And then the occipitocervical fusion, Brook-Jenkin atlantoaxial fusion, odontoid process compressive screw and vertebral double screws fixture were performed according to different fractures or dislocations.


When Picasso (1881-1973) was drawing the Fall of Phaethon, son of Apollo, who fell dead when his wax wings melted by the sun, he knew how dangerous this kind of flight would be.

当毕加索(Picasso 1881-1973)画&法厄同的坠落&(Phaethon 希腊神活中太阳神之子,被烤化蜡做的翅膀而坠死)时,他是知道这种飞行的危险的。

Pigwidgeon plummeted twelve feet before managing to pull himself back up again

改译为 (小猪向下坠落了十二英尺,才挣扎着重新飞了起来。

Pigwidgeon plummeted twelve feet before managing topull himself back up again


objective according to 14 cases of patients with post-traumatic bronchial rupture of the ct and x-ray findings.analysis of its causes,trauma type,and ct,x-ray value and the advantages and disadvantages.methods 14 cases of bronchial rupture in patients with clinical data,x-ray,ct-chip analysis and summing up.results traumatic bronchial rupture study the performance of the main image①bronchial cut-off levy;②atelectasis and pulmonary fall levy③pleural effusion,pneumatosis;④mediastinum,subcutaneous emphysema;⑤many thoracic fractures;⑥traumatic wet lung,and so on.conclusion for traumatic bronchial rupture combined with x-ray and ct examination can be clearly diagnosed early.

目的 根据14例患者外伤后支气管断裂的ct和x线表现,分析其起因、外伤类型和ct、x线应用价值及优劣势。方法对14例支气管断裂患者的临床资料、x线平片、ct片进行分析、总结。结果外伤性支气管断裂的主要影像学表现①支气管截断征;②肺不张与肺坠落征;③胸腔积液、积气;④纵隔、皮下气肿;⑤胸廓多发骨折;⑥合并创伤性湿肺等。结论对于外伤性支气管断裂结合x线摄片和ct检查是可以早期明确诊断的。

From the MIT News Office:"To understand the concept of digital water, imagine something like an inkjet printer on a large scale, which controls droplets of falling water," explains Carlo Ratti, head of MIT's SENSEable City Laboratory...


The Remaker, the latest film from Oxide Pang, is the story of Tom, who gets into a car accident. He drives off a bridge and plunges into the water. He is saved by a woman who just happens to be there.

轮回》是Oxide Pang的最后一部电影,是关于Tom的故事,他将发生一起车祸,并从桥上坠落到水里,但是他被一个注定在那里救他的女人救了。

At this point the Stove Leg turns into an off-width. My off-width technique is horrible. I usually flail about until I get up or fall out. This one was no different. I flailed up it until I was about three feet from the sling. I was hot, getting slimly hands and getting very pumped.

由此开始 Stove Leg变成一个off-width,我off-width技术很差,我通常要挥动很大的蛮力往上或是坠落,这次也没有差别,我上攀到距绳环三英呎处,因为天气很热,细长的手臂变得僵硬了。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
