英语人>网络例句>块状 相关的搜索结果


与 块状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:① 37 cases shown ascites (59.7%). 14 cases shown showed little;②19 cases shown thicken-peritoneum (30.6%), 8 cases nodular shadows; 5 cases shown cingulum shadows; 6 cases shown mass shadows;③ 17 cases changed epiploon (27.4%), 5 cases showed smudged, 3 cases nodular shadows; 9 cases caked sign;④ 4 cases cystoid mass (6.4%) in ovarian neoplasm;⑤ 2 cases deviated intestine with thickened bowel wall (3.2%).


The actual examples indicate that using the 2D closed model and 3D closed block to describe the complex structure is very practical and effective.


"The dirt is very clumpy and it's got a lot of cohesion to it, so it's difficult to pass through the small screen we have," Boynton told reporters at a briefing.


It is, however, particularly good at producing fine-grained ash — the sort of stuff that can hang in the air for days—and it has done so at a time when weather conditions have allowed that ash to be spread to the south east, in a slightly clumpy way, through a great deal of European sky.


They were told they would be assigned to a taste test of either fresh-squeezed orange juice or a gelatinous, clumpy and rather unappealing veggie smoothie, depending on whether they saw a farm animal or sea creature.


It is a fine powdery material feeder suitable for non-cohesive materials like coal powder, cement, chamotte, limestone, shale, gangue and clunch.


With raising temperature and prolonging time of aging treatment, the TiC films coarsen gradually into block so that the notch sensitivity vanished from the alloy.


There is bunchiness Eutectic under the cladding layer, there is lots of black block and columniation crystal structure, in the middle part of the cladding layer.


It is suitable for all kinds of corn: soybean, wheat, corn, grain, rice, colza and malt.


Oil shale was formed in semisaline or saline water environments caused by commixture of sea water with fresh water.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
