英语人>网络例句>块状 相关的搜索结果


与 块状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scraper chain is suitable for transmission equipment for loose material such as cement ,flour,corn,sand,stone and coal etc,of which the loose material is powdery,grain and polt.


When detecting the edge, an auto-choose threshold algorithm is given to reduce the salt-and-pepper or pulse wrong edges. After analyzing the special noise factor in pin's image, this paper improves the edge detection elements. That's putting forward a way which is named"the method of de-noise based on linear weighted operator template"to reduce the zonal or cluster noise. And test show that the algorithms detect image's edge rightly.


Populus growth to a high degree of salinity in the soil, due to the Populus cells permeable than the average plant strong, and from the main root and lateral roots, trunk, bark and leaves to be able to absorb a lot of salt, and through the stems and leaves The excretion of salt gland secretion, when the accumulation of too much salt in the body, it can scar from the trunk section of the gap and will be automatically excretion of excess salt out to form a block of white or yellow crystal,"Populus Tears", commonly known as "Populus base."


The densification and molding technology of biomass compress a variety of dispersing and irregular-shaping agriculture and forestry waste by drying and crushing, and under certain conditions, into regular-shaped and high-density solid fuels with the shapes of rod-like, massive or granular; also into high-quality feed for livestock.


Their origins go back to work published in 1983 by Louis Brus, then at Bell Labs, in New Jersey, though it was several years before another physicist, Mark Reed at Yale University, described these tiny semiconductor clumps as "quantum dots".


Also on the table were dishes of apricot jam, but no butter.The coffee and milk were poured into the basin to make cafe au lait. The bread was split lengthways and jam liberally spread on. This was then eaten as itwas, or torn into chunks and dipped into the coffee before being eaten. It was very simple fare, but I found it delicious.Even now, the smell of cofee and freshly-baked bread takes me back to my teens and paris.

咖啡与牛奶被倒入盆中成为cafe au lait,面包被撕成长条状并涂上很多酱,随后将它食用或将它撕成块状泡入咖啡后食用,是很简单的餐点,但我觉得很美味,即使到了现在,咖啡与刚出炉的面包香让我回到了在巴黎时的青少年时期。

"Kindly let us know at what price per ton, and upon what terms of payment, you are able to deliver quantities of the best refined loaf sugar."


Kindly let us know at what price per ton, and upon what terms of payment, you are avle to deliver quantities of the best refined loaf sugar.


Metal objects decay in sea water and may become stuck together in solid lumps called concretions. These have to be broken up with a hammer and chisel underwater or in chemical baths on land.


The Enmasse Conveyor is a continal conveyor which transports granule material,such as dust form,particles,small piece form and so on.It is fit for transportation ...


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
