英语人>网络例句>均质性 相关的搜索结果


与 均质性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its lumber material is narrow for the alburnum, distributes in north compared to the south narrowly, light yellow arrives the yellow light yellow, the heartwood to brown brings slightly red; Has the resin, the durability is bad; The lumber texture, the density, standard natures and so on the festival receive the geography condition influence which grows, is widespread as a result of this lumber distribution, but therefore the lumber material the variation is greatly more obvious than because of the condition other tree seeds; The lumber weight is ordinary, solid.


As a result penicillium of Ma Erni humble is double photograph bacterium, mould bacterium colony can discover the broom shape mycelial of diagnostic sex,; of pigment of rose of water-solubility of the generation after sanded Paul fosters 3 days is medullary inside and outside of cell of blood of the week outside mixing all can discover spore;PAS coloring sees bacterium body show circle, elliptic or sausage shape, size is differ, it is 2~8 μ M about, color of afterbirth wall incarnadine and clear and successive, it is thus clear that inside the cell of sausage shape one apparent horizontal stroke is lain between, afterbirth is qualitative not easy and chromatic.


Twenty-six eyes which appeared rejection after allograft penetrating keratoplasty between April 2003 and April 2004 in Shandong Shi'erming Eye Hospital were collected, including 16 males and 10 females, 9 cases were repeated relapsing viral keratitis, 8 cases were traumatic posterior corneal leucoma, 5 cases were corneal decompensation caused by various intraocular surgery, 2 cases were congenital leucoma, and 2 cases had other symptom. The rejection occurred at 2 month to 2.5 years after operation. Among them 19 cases were transferred to our hospital and asked adding traditional Chinese therapy because western medicine was ineffective in other hospital.


The result indicates that spore germination shapes prothallium at keeping wet, cortrolling temperature and covering with 75% shading rate.


Results there were unconsciousness, respiratory rhythm disturbance and hyporeflexia of pupil light reflex immediately after injury, and reactiveness decrease and activity retardation still existed even after resuming consciousness. at anatomical scene, subarachnoid hemorrhage or cerebroventricular haemorrhage were widespread. at an early stage, there were swelling, collapse, and axonal retraction ball formation at cortico-medulla junction, callosum, brainstem, and cerebellar white matter under microscope. but at the later stage, gitter cell proliferation and nest-like aggregation were major pathophysiological changes at focal brain tissue.

结果 伤后大鼠均即刻出现原发昏迷,其中2只于损伤后20 min内死亡,余持续时间1-30 min不等;伤后大鼠呼吸节律紊乱,瞳孔对光反射减弱或消失,醒后均有程度不等的反应性下降,肢体活动迟缓;肉眼可见广泛蛛网膜下腔出血或脑室出血;光镜下可见皮髓交界区、胼胝体区、脑干、小脑白质等部位的神经轴索有不同程度的肿胀、断裂、轴索球形成,后期有小胶质细胞增生,局部呈巢样聚集。

Abstract] objective to improve the diagnosis of non-ossifying fiboma by analysing its x-ray feature.methods plain x-ray films was performed in all patients.x-ray finding in 8 cases with pathologically-confirmed non-ossifying were analyzed.results the clinical symptom was mild,the lesions occurred usually at the metaphysis of the long bones,the affected bones included femur(n=4),tibia(n=3),humerus(n=1).cortical type was seen in 5 cases,presenting as unilocular or multilacular transparent areas with in the cortex or tightly beneath the cortex,the lesion had a sclerotic margin.which was more obvious at the marrow side.medullary type was seen in 2 cases.the lesion was located at the center of the bone and grew centrally.the tumor was manifested as unilocular or multilocular.tramsparent area with sclerotic border and the bone cortex became thinner with slightly expanding on 11 sides.conclusion plain radiography is the elementally means to detect this disease.based on the typical x-ray signs of non-ossifying fibroma combined with clinical data,correct preoperative diagnosis can be made in most cases.

目的 探讨非骨化性纤维瘤的x线表现以提高诊断水平。方法所有病例均摄有x线平片,分析经病理证实的8例非骨化性纤维瘤。结果临床症状轻,好发于下肢长骨干骺端或骨干,股骨4例,胫骨3例,肱骨1例。皮质型5例,表现为皮质内或紧贴皮质下的单层或多层透亮区,病变向骨内发展进入髓腔,周围有致密硬化带环绕,以髓腔侧明显;髓质型2例,病灶在骨内中央发展,显示为单房或多房透亮区,边缘有硬化,骨皮质菲薄,轻微向周围膨隆。结论 x线为最基本的检查方法,典型病例x线平片结合临床症状即可明确诊断。

Objective To study the relationship of endangium proliferation and the expression of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases after angioplasty of iliac artery in rabbits to investigate the probable mechanism of composite Danshen pill in prevention and treatment of restenosisMethods 30 white male rabbits of Japan (the average body weight was 25~30 kg)were randomly divided into 3 groups:normal control group,model group (intima destroyed by balloon and given hypercholesterol diet),CDP group (intima destroyed by balloon and given hypercholesterol diet plus drug CDP 150 mg/d),10 ones each groupResults The results of iliac artery angiogram and the analysis of pathology:there were lumens stenosis,thinner intima,smaller intima area,in CDP group compared with those in model group,and ratio of intima and tunica media thickness and area among each group (P<001)Immunohistochemistry analysis:the MMP2,MMP9,TIMP1,TIMP2 in model group significantly increased than those in control group (P<001)The CDP group had lower MMP2 and MMP9 expression,higher TIMP1 and TIMP2 expression,and increased MMP2/TIMP1,MMP9/TIMP2 than model group (P<001)The thickening of vascular neointima and stenosis degree of vascular lumen were relevant to MMP2 and MMP9 (r=0896,P<001)Conclusions MMP and TIMP play the very important role in the restenosis process of arteryCDP could inhibit the thickness of vascular neointima after balloon injury,the probable mechanism of which may be inhibiting collagen formation,smooth muscle immigration and decreasing hyperplasia of intima by interfering expression of MMPs and TIMPs

目的 研究兔髂动脉成形术后血管内膜增生和基质金属蛋白酶及其抑制物表达之间的关系,探讨复方丹参滴丸预防再狭窄的可能机制。方法健康成年二级雄性日本大耳白兔30只,平均体重25~30 kg。随机分为3组:正常对照组10只,模型组10只(球囊内膜剥脱加高胆固醇饮食),治疗组10只(球囊内膜剥脱加高胆固醇饮食以及复方丹参滴丸150 mg/d)。结果兔髂动脉造影、血管病理图像分析检测结果:①复方丹参滴丸组较模型组血管造影示管腔直径狭窄、内膜厚度减少、内膜面积减少、内膜厚度和中膜厚度比、面积比,各组之间有显著性差异(P<001)。②免疫组化分析:模型组MMP2、MMP9、TIMP1、TIMP2表达均高于对照组(P<001);复方丹参滴丸组MMP2、MMP9的表达低于模型组,而TIMP1、TIMP2的表达高于模型组;TIMP1/MMP2、TIMP2/MMP9明显增加,差异有显著性(P<001)。③内膜的增生以及管腔的狭窄程度与MMP2、MMP9有很好的相关性(r=0896,P<001)。结论 MMP和TIMP在再狭窄形成中起重要作用;复方丹参滴丸能够明显抑制血管损伤后的内膜增生,可能的机制是通过影响金属蛋白酶MMP2、MMP9及其抑制物TIMP1、TIMP2的表达从而抑制胶原的生成、平滑肌的迁移、增生,而减少内膜的增生。

20 Centuries 60 time, american Gristina put forward, all biology material are embedded inside body hind, its surface all can form a kind of biomembrane, bacterial criterion is many in this kind of biomembrane progenitive, the many mucilage outside producing a cell is qualitative (Extracellular Slime Substance, ESS), it is the easy hair sex that causes false body infection and the main factor that study a gender hard.

概要: 20世纪60年代,美国Gristina等提出,所有的生物材料植入体内后,其表面均能形成一种生物膜,细菌则在这种生物膜中大量繁殖,并产生细胞外多粘质物质(Extracellular Slime Substance,ESS),是导致假体感染的易发性和难治性的重要因素。

If continuously culture, all can enter the sexual generation and shape sporophytic young seedling.


Results SDF-1/CXCR4 was present in the basal epithelial cells of normal conjunctiva. Of 20 pterygia cases, 17 expressed SDF-1/CXCR4 in the full thickness of the epithelium and CXCR4 was also found in the inflamed cells and vascular endothelial cells in the tissues; 3 primary pterygium cases showed the same staining pattern as that in normal conjunctiva.

结果 在正常结膜组织中SDF-1/CXCR4仅表达于基底部上皮细胞;胬肉组织中有17例,全层上皮细胞均有SDF-1/CXCR4的表达,胬肉基质层中浸润的炎性细胞、血管内皮细胞均有CXCR4的蛋白表达;3例初发性翼状胬肉表达方式与正常结膜相似。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
