英语人>网络例句>均质性 相关的搜索结果


与 均质性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results By using optical microscope,the neurocytes of hippocampus in experimental group were observed to denaturalize,tumefy,destroy and disappear.And under electron microscope,the karyon was irregular,nucleoles deviated,chondriosome tumefied,crista collapsed,membrane was damaged,substance cavitated.Such changes were more evident with the increased paroxysm of epilepsy,the parameters between control group and operation group had no difference(P>0.01).But make a monofactorial variance analysis among cells' number,area,circumference and integral optical density in different groups,it showed that there were significant differences between optional two groups(P.01;at the same time,the more serious injury in hippocampus,the more powerful GFAP immunoreaction was.

结果: 实验组海马区光镜下可见神经细胞变性、肿胀、坏死及神经细胞脱失改变,电镜可见细胞核形态不规则、有切迹、核仁偏位、线粒体肿大、嵴断裂、膜破损和基质空化等改变,随癫痫发作次数增加上述改变越明显,对照组与手术对照组比较,各参数差异无显著性(P>0.05),将不同组别大鼠细胞数、面积、周长、积分光密度分别作单因素方差分析,不同组别间均差异有显著性(P.01),同时观察到海马区GFAP免疫反应阳性的胶质细胞随海马损伤的加重而GFAP免疫反应增强。

Results The hind limb function of the injured rats recovered at different degrees, the most extent recovery occurred during the time site 1~2 week, recovery continued from 2 to 3 week and, BBB was up to 12 at the end of the third week, but there was no significance recovery during 3~4 week. the astrocyte caudal to the injury plane began hyperplasy and hypertrophy; astrocyte in which GFAP in expression was positive the gray matter increased obviously from 3 days to 14 days after hemisection. The expression of MBP is same as that of GFAP.

结果 伤后后肢均有不同程度的恢复,1~2周时恢复幅度最大,2~3周时后肢运动功能继续恢复,3周时BBB评分最高达12分,3~4周运动功能无显著性恢复,损伤后1 d损伤远端3~6 mm处GFAP阳性星形胶质细胞开始增生肥大,3~4 d灰质中星形胶质细胞明显增多,2周时达到高峰,损伤近端3~6 mm处少突胶质细胞的增生反应过程与星形胶质细胞相似。

In the group of treatment with ZKK,the AST,ALT and the lipid in the liver decrease significantly and differ from the natural recovery group'sbut the normal group's.In the group of treament with Simvastatin,the affection to the ALT,AST and the lipid in liver is no apparent,there is no difference campared to that of recovery group,but very difˉferent from that of treatment group with ZKK,In the combined treatment group,the effect to decrease the bloodlipid is significant,the influence on liver is similar to the ZKK's.Conclusion Rich-fat food can induce dyslipidemia,atheromatous patch and hepar adiposum.


The results show that the compound conductive fiber has typical structure of sheath-core consists of black greened polyaniline electric conductive deposition as the skin and the white polypropylene matrix fiber as the core, which makes the compound fiber preferable physical mechanical property. The intensity and the elongation ratio of the electric conductive fiber are decreased but the thermal stability is enhanced after modified. The compound fiber has the good acid resistance but poor base resistance. The thermal stability of the compound fiber prepared by 4-methyl-benzene sulfonic acid is better than that prepared by hydrochloride acid. Moreover, the compound fiber can be re-doped by other organic or inorganic acid after freed from the adsorbed acid. Furthermore, the electric conductivity of the compound fiber decreases with the temperature increasing but hardly changed with the humidity. The adsorptive ability and therefore the content of the polyaniline, the constant of electric conduction, and the durability of the compound fiber can be enhanced by thinning the diameter, section heteromorphosis, section heteromorphosis and plasma treatment of the surface or blending with COPET of the fiber.


As investigated, the shape of the fruit was mainly rotundity, and the color of the fruit were red, black, yellow, mauve. Variation coefficient of mineral elements, which revealed wider variation range and rich genetic diversity. Among them, Fe, the content and the variation coefficient of which was the highest(2.12 mg·100g-1 and 26.99%), it has large potential for futher selection. Ripe fruit of 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings were analyzed using head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed considerable genetic variations in these aspects: The total content of volatile components, the classes and contents of each compounds classes, the segregation ratio, and content of main components. There were 83 compounds in total belonging to 6 classes detected in 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings, including esters, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, heterocycle and Hydrocarbons. Among them, Formic acid, hexyl ester, the content of which was the highest(4.33 μg·g-1),was important character impact odors.

结果表明,①新疆野生樱桃李实生株系的果实形状主要为圆形,少数为椭圆形、卵圆形、卵形和宽卵形,果实颜色有黄色、红色、紫红色和黑色等4种类型,野生樱桃李果实纵径、横径、单果重、果形指数以及可溶性固形物含量均存在一定程度的变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以单果重的变异系数最大(9.13 %);②新疆野生樱桃李实生株系果肉组织的Zn、Ca、Mg、Mn、Fe及Cu等6种矿质元素含量变异丰富,其中以Fe元素的含量(平均值为2.12 mg·100g-1)和变异系数(26.99%)最高,进一步筛选高铁性状单株的潜力很大;③从新疆野生樱桃李12个实生株系中共鉴定出醇类、醛类、酯类、酮类、烃类及杂环类等6类83种挥发性化合物,各实生株系挥发性化合物总含量、挥发性化合物种类及其含量以及主要挥发性化合物分离比率与含量等存在广泛的遗传变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以甲酸己酯含量最高(平均值为4.33 μg·g-1),是野生樱桃李果实香气形成的重要特征性化合物。

Results compared with model control group,dongbao gantai group, the level of body weight,liver index, tc ,tg, alt,ast in serum in tiaozhi hugan decoction group were lower significantly .the level of hld-c was higher.,the level of mda in tiaozhi hugan decoction was lower significantly, the level of sod was higher significantly(in all group p<0.01)conclusion it suggests that the pharmacodynamics mechanisms of tiaozhi hugan decoction to fatty liver induced by high fatty diet are lowering body weight and liver index, adjusting lipometabolism, improving liver function and having anti-lipid peroxidation effects.

结果 与病理模型组、东宝甘泰组比较调脂护肝方组大鼠体重、肝指数血清tc值、tg值均降低,hld-c值增高,血清alt、ast、mda值均较低,sod值较高(各组比较p.01)。结论调脂护肝方干预非酒精性脂肪肝的药效机制为:降低体重与肝指数,调整脂质代谢,改善肝功能,抗脂质过氧化。

Kangdai Ⅰ has protective function to the damaged neurons and astrocytes: Main results:(1) It has direct protective function to the damaged neurons. It can increase the activity and survival rate, decrease the mortality and the transudation rate of LDH in cultured medium and the strong positive cell count of NOS expression of injured neurons.(2) It has also directly protective function to the damaged astrocytes. It can increase the activity and survival rate and protein content in conditioned medium.(3) It can strengthen the ability of BDNF, GDNF, bFGF, HSP and IL-6expression in damaged astrocytes.(4) It can also strengthen obviously the expressions of NSE, bFGF-receptor and bc1-2, lower the expression of bax and caspase-3.(5) It can indirectly protect and restore the damaged neurons by astrocytes. Because the effect of ACMK (ACM interfered by Kangdai Ⅰ) is stronger than ACM+K (ACM associated with Kangdai Ⅰ).


The histopathologic changes included lymphocyte and monocyte infiltration,hyperplasia of synovial cells and small vessels,interstitial fibrosis,hyaline degeneration and cartilaginous metaplasia.The immunohistochemical observations showed that the high expressions of IL-1 and IL-6 were significantly different between the pathologic plicae and the control groups(P<0.01).The positive expressions of IL-1 and IL-6 were the synovial cells and monocyt-lymph cells in the pathologic synovial plicae.The positive expressions of MMP-1 and TIMP-1 have significant difference between the experiment and control group(P<0.01,P<0.05).The expression of MMP-1 was positive in synovial lining cell,monocyte,fibroblast,endothelial cell in small vessel and chondrocyte.The TIMP-1 expression was detected in the synovial lining cells and a small quantity fibroblast.

结果 正常滑膜皱襞和病理性滑膜皱襞在滑膜细胞增生及小血管增生、间质纤维化及玻璃样变、软骨化生组织学改变方面,差异均有显著性(P<0.01);IL-1、IL-6在病理性滑膜皱襞内的增生滑膜细胞、单核及淋巴细胞和在正常滑膜皱襞内的表达差异均有显著性(P<0.01); MMP-1、TIMP-1在病理性滑膜皱襞和正常皱襞内的阳性表达,差异具有显著性(P<0.01,P<0.05),MMP-1在增生滑膜衬里层细胞、单核和纤维母细胞、血管内皮细胞和软骨化生的软骨细胞呈阳性表达;TIMP-1只在滑膜衬里层细胞和少量纤维母细胞有表达。

Compared with the control, the lungs of 3-day-hyperxia-exposure group developed into edema, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltration and this condition aggravated at the 7th day. The pulmonary septum was significantly widened at the 14th day, the interstitial fibrocytes as well as alveolar epithelial cells proliferated obviously, and the tendency of lung fibrosis was also presented. The results mentioned above showed that the modle of hyperoxia lung injury was successfully established, and the acute inflamationm was its early symptom while the fibrosis was its late manifistation. There was no positive cytes of IFN-γ in the lung of nomal rats, The positive cytes of the groups under hyperxia-exposure for 3, 7, 14 day, which climbed to the climax at the 7th day and began to decline from the 14th day, were found in alveolus epithlia,pulmonary interstitial, bronchoepithlia and macrophage.


The results showed that the sheep had fibrinous pneumonia and lymphocyte interstitial pneumonia, which were typical pathologic changes of this disease. Remarkable changes were observed in the lung: fibrinous exudates, infiltration of inflammatory cells, pleura thickening, interstitial edema, hemorrhage and formation of thrombiand lymph clot. The heart, liver and kidney had different degeneration degree. Reactive hyperplasia presented in bronchales lymphonodi.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


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