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与 均质化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With immunohistochemical stained with S-100, the nerve fibres and neuroglia cells are positive.


In order to study the therapeutic effect of Sodium Hyaluronate injection of articular cavity and taking orally "JIN GU TONG XIAO WAN"(JGTXW, a TCM preparation for osteopathy disease) in the treatment of osteoarthritis of knee, 130 cases of OA were randomly divided into the treated group (66 cases, treated by SH and JGTXW) and control groups(64 cases, treated only by SH); The effect such as local pain, tumidness, joint movement and so on of the two groups in one year were observed and evaluated according to Lysholm criterion.


Perceptively on 3d and 5d. Collagen is positive in Western blot on 9d. Aniline dyeing is positive on 12d. The control group was negative. Ad-BMP-2 transferred MSCs cultured in fibrin gel was positive in Aniline dyeing, Immunohistochemical. The therapy effect of group was better in histology, biochemistry and biomechanics in all periods than the other two groups, and was similar to the natural cartilage.

结果 ①Ad-BMP-2转基因MSC BMP-2、CollagenⅡ的PT-PCR分别在3、5d呈阳性,CollagenⅡ的Western Blot 9d为阳性,较对照组有显著差异;②转基因MSC经纤维蛋白体外三维培养后免疫组化和苯胺蓝染色呈阳性,电镜显示细胞生长良好,有基质合成;③转基因修复组各时期大体、组织形态学和组织化学成份均显著优于其它两组,12W时力学和组织学已接近正常关节软骨。

NCPs play a important role in differentiation of osteoblast, formation, calcification, and resorption of bone matrix.


The iron replacement of sillimanite may somewhat affect the physic-chemical calculation and exert negative effects on sillimanite mineralization.


Objective:The aims of the present study were to determine the expression of transformation growth factor β 1 (TGF β 1) mRNA and TGF β 1 protein in the peripheral blood and its relation to serum levels of procollagen type Ⅲ N terminal peptide in the patients with cirrhosis.


At present the urgent question affronting the medical scinence field is to seek effective medical for pulmonary fibrosis.


Results: Neonatal rats in hypoxic-ischemicgroup behaved restlessness, cyanosis, deep and rapid breath, astasia, lethargy, irritation and spasm; There were local pyknosis, fragmentation, dissymmetry, blur or disappearance of nucleoli, raritas of ground substance in left cerebral cortex; but there was no statistic significance in chinese traditional medicine group and sham group. The expression of HIF-1α mRNA in brain tissue of experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group were higher than that in sham group, especially chinese traditional medicine group at 3d; HIF-1α positive cells were found in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. There were more HIF-1α positive cells in experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group and mainly in vascular endothelial cells.

结果 缺氧缺血后大鼠相继表现为烦躁不安、全身发给、呼吸加深加快、站立不稳、嗜睡、激惹或间断发作的痉挛和抽搐;HE染色显示实验组大鼠左侧大脑皮层出现局灶性神经元核固缩,核碎裂,核仁偏位,不清或消失,基质疏松;中药组大鼠脑组织结构基本接近假手术组,无明显水肿和坏死表现;实验组和中药组大鼠脑组织HIF-1α mRNA表达较假手术组明显增加,尤其是中药组实验第3日者;免疫组化显示实验组和中药组各时间点大鼠大脑皮层和海马区均可见不同程度的HIF-1α表达,明显高于假手术组,阳性表达主要在血管内皮细胞,海马和皮层的锥体细胞亦有HIF-1α阳性细胞分布。

The plasmid DNA bands were detected clearly by agarose-EtBr gel electrophore sis.Two forms of plasmid DNA molecules,namely covalently closed circular DNA mol e-cules and open circular DNA molecules,were observed under electron microscope.


Objective To study the relationship of endangium proliferation and the expression of metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases after angioplasty of iliac artery in rabbits to investigate the probable mechanism of composite Danshen pill in prevention and treatment of restenosisMethods 30 white male rabbits of Japan (the average body weight was 25~30 kg)were randomly divided into 3 groups:normal control group,model group (intima destroyed by balloon and given hypercholesterol diet),CDP group (intima destroyed by balloon and given hypercholesterol diet plus drug CDP 150 mg/d),10 ones each groupResults The results of iliac artery angiogram and the analysis of pathology:there were lumens stenosis,thinner intima,smaller intima area,in CDP group compared with those in model group,and ratio of intima and tunica media thickness and area among each group (P<001)Immunohistochemistry analysis:the MMP2,MMP9,TIMP1,TIMP2 in model group significantly increased than those in control group (P<001)The CDP group had lower MMP2 and MMP9 expression,higher TIMP1 and TIMP2 expression,and increased MMP2/TIMP1,MMP9/TIMP2 than model group (P<001)The thickening of vascular neointima and stenosis degree of vascular lumen were relevant to MMP2 and MMP9 (r=0896,P<001)Conclusions MMP and TIMP play the very important role in the restenosis process of arteryCDP could inhibit the thickness of vascular neointima after balloon injury,the probable mechanism of which may be inhibiting collagen formation,smooth muscle immigration and decreasing hyperplasia of intima by interfering expression of MMPs and TIMPs

目的 研究兔髂动脉成形术后血管内膜增生和基质金属蛋白酶及其抑制物表达之间的关系,探讨复方丹参滴丸预防再狭窄的可能机制。方法健康成年二级雄性日本大耳白兔30只,平均体重25~30 kg。随机分为3组:正常对照组10只,模型组10只(球囊内膜剥脱加高胆固醇饮食),治疗组10只(球囊内膜剥脱加高胆固醇饮食以及复方丹参滴丸150 mg/d)。结果兔髂动脉造影、血管病理图像分析检测结果:①复方丹参滴丸组较模型组血管造影示管腔直径狭窄、内膜厚度减少、内膜面积减少、内膜厚度和中膜厚度比、面积比,各组之间有显著性差异(P<001)。②免疫组化分析:模型组MMP2、MMP9、TIMP1、TIMP2表达均高于对照组(P<001);复方丹参滴丸组MMP2、MMP9的表达低于模型组,而TIMP1、TIMP2的表达高于模型组;TIMP1/MMP2、TIMP2/MMP9明显增加,差异有显著性(P<001)。③内膜的增生以及管腔的狭窄程度与MMP2、MMP9有很好的相关性(r=0896,P<001)。结论 MMP和TIMP在再狭窄形成中起重要作用;复方丹参滴丸能够明显抑制血管损伤后的内膜增生,可能的机制是通过影响金属蛋白酶MMP2、MMP9及其抑制物TIMP1、TIMP2的表达从而抑制胶原的生成、平滑肌的迁移、增生,而减少内膜的增生。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
