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In this thesis,based on the DFT+NEGF first-principles method,we construct a lead-molecule-lead sandwich system with single benzene-based molecule to investigate the relationship between the structure and properties of the molecular devices and the factors that influence properties of the molecular devices.Our computational investigations on these molecular devices are primarily concentrated on the effect of contact geometry between molecules and electrodes,the effect of side groups,the effect of different torsion angle between two phenyl rings and the effect of external electric field.This thesis consists of five chapters:In Chapter one,we mainly introduce the research background and development of the molecular electronics,including the experimental fabrication of molecular electronic components and theoretical simulation methods.Afterwards we discuss the questions that need to be solved in this area.Finally,the main contents of this thesis are listed.In Chapter two,we introduce the theoretical methods used in this thesis, including the main first-principles calculation methods,i.e.,the Density-Functionmethod and nonequilibrium Green\'s function.


The utilization factor of ozone can be increased while the countercheck nets of stainless steel were placed in the pretreatment aqueous solution.


Each of the converting elements generates signal charge. K transfer electrodes (k is a positive integer more than 1) are provided for each of the photoelectric converting elements in the column direction. 2k signal lines are connected to the transfer electrodes for adjacent two of said photoelectric converting elements. The 2k signal lines are used to supply driving clock signals to the transfer electrodes for the adjacent two photoelectric converting elements, respectively.


In the above described configuration, the common electrode 9a and the pixel electrodes 7a are opposite each other through the interelectrode insulating film 8, and the holding capacitance 60 is formed using the interelectrode insulating film 8 as a dielectric film.


The lower end of the discharge chamber body is in hermetically-threaded connection with a fixed electrode; an operation electrode is mounted at the upper end of the discharge chamber body; the lower end of the operation electrode can be movably mounted in a conduction fixed ring; a fit clearance between the lower end of the operation electrode and the conduction fixed ring is 0.1 to 0.15mm; the conduction fixed ring is in hermetically-threaded connection with the upper end of the discharge chamber body; the conduction fixed ring is connected with a grounding wire; a discharge chamber is formed between the conduction fixed ring and the fixed electrode at the inner part of the discharge chamber body; the upper end of the operation electrode is fixedly connected with an insulation handle.


Trans-Blot Cells and Systems 170-3825 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3850 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V 170-3853 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling Coil, and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3910 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3946 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) Trans-Blot Cell Accessories 170-3912 Super Cooling Coil, required for all high-intensity transfers 170-3913 Gel Holder Cassette, includes 2 fiber pads 170-3914 Fiber Pads, 15.5 x 20.5 cm, 6 170-3920 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, cathode 170-3921 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, anode 170-3922 Trans-Blot Cell Buffer Tank 170-3923 Trans-Blot Cell Lid With Power Cables 170-3943 Trans-Blot Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-3944 Trans-Blot Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-3945 Trans-Blot Plate Electrode Pair, platinum anode and stainless-steel cathode 16 规格:说明: Trans-Blot Plus

电泳转印槽组件 1。缓冲液槽及带有电缆的盖 2。凝胶支架转印夹 3。纤维衬垫 4。电极丝 5。电极板 6。特级冷却芯 Trans-Blot 转印槽是功能灵活的转印设备,可理想地用于多种转印应用。Trans-Blot 转印槽特点包括:*能进行多胶转印,可容纳3 块PROTEAN I xi 凝胶、6块Criterion 凝胶、12块Mini-PROTEAN 3 或Ready Gel 预制胶*多组参数灵活可设,可调节的电压设置(从30 V 的过夜转印到200 V 的1 小时快速实验)*电极间距设置为8 cm 用于标准印迹杂交,或设置为4cm 用于高强度印迹杂交*可选择板式电极:涂有铂金的钛作为正极,不锈钢为负极,能提供高强度电场和比其它电极更高的电流密度。或选择较经济的铂金电极丝*通过特级冷却芯和水循环仪来调节温度―是天然酶(4°C)或高强度转印的理想选择,随着转印时间增加(多达24 小时),不会引起缓冲液耗竭(在高强度转印中必须使用冷却芯,也推荐用于所有板式电极的应用)*带铰链的凝胶支架转印夹能避免滑动,确保凝胶与印迹膜间的紧密接触;每个转印夹都有颜色标记以保证在转印槽中的正确定位 Trans-Blot 转印槽的锁闭凝胶支架转印夹系统。转印夹(1)支撑凝胶(2)印迹膜(3)两侧有纤维衬垫和滤纸(4)确保凝胶三明治内的完全接触。凝胶夹垂直插入缓冲液槽中(5)。

The conclusion is drawn from the simulations that the secondary electrons will go out from the sample surface more easily with the decrease of the half cone angle of tip and the increase of secondary electron energy, tip-sample separation and the distance of the emission site away from the point directly under the tip.


Trans-Blot Plus Cell 170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply Accessories 170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-3996 Blot Absorbent Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets 170-3997 Stirbar 170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6 wide 170-39 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps 170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank 170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, for Trans-Blot Plus cell, set of 3 9 规格:说明:运用Mini-PROTEAN II 多道筛选仪,可以快速有效地筛选 40 种不同的抗体或血清,无需把western

转印条件可调,能在很大的分子量跨度上获得最佳转印效果*耐用的板式电极能产生强大而均一的电场,而且电极在槽内的位置灵活可换;不论运行1、2 或3 个转印夹,电极间距可调节到最小以获得最大的场强和转印效率*凝胶支架转印夹保证整个凝胶与印迹膜表面的均衡接触*转印夹的铰链设计能防止凝胶滑动,便于转印夹组装*颜色标记的转印夹及电极板确保在转印槽内的正确定向*特级冷却芯和冷却水循环器进行温度调节―可理想地用于天然酶或高强度转印,或用于延长转印时间时减少缓冲液的损耗*可选择的组装盘是凝胶三明治和转印夹组装的理想选择 Trans-Blot Plus 转印槽能从单向和双向大格式凝胶上均一、高效地转移蛋白―配合使用新推出的 PowerPac HC 电源,多数蛋白都可在1530 分钟内完成转印。

According to the wire electrode on the trajectory of the different forms of control, WEDM can be divided into three types:* is a copy-control, cutting their lines in advance to create the shape of the workpiece and the same mode *, When the rough machining parts and die at the same time * Clamping in the machine tool table, in the process of cutting wire electrode tightly * close to the edge of model for mobile track, thus cutting out the model * with the same shape and precision to work; another One is the optical tracking control, the cutting in line before the first parts in accordance with drawings by a certain ratio of enlarge depicts an electro-optical tracking maps, drawings will be processed when the machine electro-optical tracking placed on the stage, followed on the stage The first photo has to follow the ink line graphics track movement, and then through the use of electrical, mechanical linkage to control the machine tool table work together with the relative electrode wire Xiang Sixing do sports in order to cut out the pattern and shape of the workpiece to the same; a re - Is a digital process control, advanced digital automatic control technology, machine-driven process in accordance with the geometry of the workpiece before the parameters of good pre-processing CNC automatic completion of the processing, production do not look like without drawing board also plans to enlarge, in front of more than two Control in the form of higher precision processing and broad scope of application, at home and abroad for more than 95% of WEDM have been using digital technology.


Wire electrode based on the trajectory of the different forms of control, WEDM can be divided into three types: one is shaped by the imitation controlled cutting in line in advance and work to create the same shape by mold, when processing the workpiece at the same time rough and on the mold clamping in the machine tool table, in the process of cutting wire electrode tightly against the mold on the edge of the track for the mobile, thus cutting out and die on the same shape and precision to the workpiece; another One is the electro-optical tracking control, to carry out the cutting line, before the basis of certain parts to enlarge the proportion of drawings depicts an electro-optical tracking map-processing machines will be placed in design stage of electro-optical tracking, tracking platform Photoelectric first line of graphics has always been to follow the track of the Mexican campaign, and then through the use of electrical, mechanical linkage to control the machine tool table, together with the workpiece so相似形wire electrode relative movement, thus cutting out the same shape and design to the workpiece; again a digital control, the use of advanced automatic control of digital technology-driven machine tool in accordance with the pre-processing parameters according to the workpiece geometry pre-processing procedures for the preparation of a good CNC auto-complete processing, the production does not require appearance on board the need to map to enlarge map of the previous two form of control has a higher machining accuracy and a broad range of applications, both at home and abroad more than 95% have adopted WEDM NC.


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