英语人>网络例句>地方 相关的搜索结果


与 地方 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it's been."


Oh, don't, don't, please don't, shouted Edmund, but even while he was shouting she had waved her wand and instantly where the merry party had been there were only statues of creatures (one with its stone fork fixed forever half-way to its stone mouth) seated round a stone table on which there were stone plates and a stone plum pudding.


Purlieu unfamiliar place.


That is until you notice that your focus has been purposely drawn from place to place.


I fondly remember Quinta do Falcao and Bairro de Santo Antonio, those were the places I grew up in, where I made my first friendships, and also where I first started to kick a ball.

^' x5 C8 r+ s8 X% M6 G- m2 g红魔曼联中文网-开心,自由,共享的球迷之家我也同样记得Quinta do Falcao 和 Bairro de Santo Antonio,那里是我长大的地方,那里我结下了我的第一份友谊,那里也是我第一次开始踢球的地方

I heard the whoop again; it was behind me yet, but in a different place; it kept coming, and kept changing its place, and I kept answering, till by and by it was in front of me again, and I knowed the current had swung the canoe's head down-stream, and I was all right if that was Jim and not some other raftsman hollering.


Today we tell about two areas that are popular with visitors to the United States. One is a place of fierce beauty. It is Mount Rainier National Park in the northwestern state of Washington.


Over time there has been so much combustion and false ascension in this region of domain that there are vast numbers of warring angels; and now the Tao is beginning to reabsorb these forces so that places caught in the darkness associated can ascend out of the dance and return "home" to where they were spawned.


A good question, particularly since most of these guns are not easily reconcilable with the notion of self-defense and their true place should be somewhere in the Armed Forces.


The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard, said: We were much honoured that Premier Wen gave the Rede Lecture this afternoon, and I was delighted to accept his gift of the China Digital Library, in recognition of the University's 800th Anniversary.

副校长Alison Richard教授说:"我们很荣幸温总理今天下午能给我们发表演讲,也很高兴接受中国数字图书馆给予我校800年校庆的礼物。""我为我校的一位听众对您的不敬表示遗憾,这不符合剑桥的精神,这所大学是讨论和辩论的地方,不是扔鞋的地方。"

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
