英语人>网络例句>地方 相关的搜索结果


与 地方 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just as the water level in accordance with its poor flow of current is caused by the potential flow in areas with high and low potential areas.


One area that offers many kinds of outdoor activities is called the Potomac Highlands.


If they have something no place that has no place to air out, it could explode at any time forming a "powder keg."


II. c. 2.(that second magna carta, and stable bulwark of our liberties) it is enacted, that no subject of this realm, who is an inhabitant of England, Wales, or Berwick, shall be sent prisoner into Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, or places beyond the seas;(where they cannot have the benefit and protection of the common law) but that all such imprisonments shall be illegal; that the person, who shall dare to commit another contrary to this law, shall be disabled from bearing any office, shall incur the penalty of a praemunire , and be incapable of receiving the king's pardon: and the party suffering shall also have his private action against the person committing, and all his aiders, advisers and abettors, and shall recover treble costs; besides his damages, which no jury shall assess at less than five hundred pounds.

并且,通过人身保护法案,查理二世第31年法案第二章(可以称之为第二部大宪章,我们的自由的稳定的防波堤)规定:本王国内的臣民,即英格兰,威尔士或贝瑞克(Berwick,以前属于苏格兰的郡;联合王国存在三种虽相近然而彼此独立有所区别的法律系统:英格兰,苏格兰和北爱尔兰法律系统,因而这部著作名"the laws of England"译成"英格兰法律"才恰当)的居民,不得将被监禁者遣送至苏格兰,爱尔兰,泽西,格恩西,或海外任何地方;(被监禁者在这些地方不能得到共同法的保护和利益)这样的监禁均为非法;任何人,若胆敢违背这部法律行事,应当取消担当任何公职的资格,应当得到警告,并且不能获得国王的宽恕:遭受监禁的人,可以起诉监禁者和他的协助者,他的建议者和教唆者,并获得损失的三倍补偿;此外,审判团对他的损失的评估,不得低于五百英镑。

It was for a long time considered to be identical with Maagadhii, the Prakrit of Magadha, where the Buddha spent most of his life and teaching career. This ancient region is situated in modern Indian state of Bihar, in North-Eastern India.


Pravda bar on Wellington St. is no place to discuss the horrors of bourgeois entitlements; it's a place to enjoy bourgeois entitlements.


The wife of a viceroy .A ceremony to install the new governor .of or relating to or typical of a proconsul.


There are many men and women who wouldn't think of engaging in the procreative act in certain places of the world, and there are other places in which nothing seems more right and pleasant.


Using shape function andclassical interior ballistics theory, the influence relation of the PSS model parameter affectto splitting opportunity, increasing burning surface and interior ballistics characteristicswas researched.The splitting opportunity of PSS appears ahead the academic intending, thereason is that the thickness of outside burning layer is asymmetry, the thinner area splitsearlier, and the thicker area splits later, consequently, the PSS put up progressivity burningeffect. From the practical look, the burning progressivity effect is more profitable than thatincreasing burning surface suddenly.


As the main propellent of economic development, local government has its conflict with central government in management system, duties and responsibilities relation, and interest coordination.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
