英语人>网络例句>地方 相关的搜索结果


与 地方 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

04 Moreover, demographer s see the continuing shift south and west as joined by a related but newer phenomenon: More and more, Americans apparently are looking not just for places with more jobs but with fewer people, too.


We wish and desire to put into effect a decree of this general council [45 ] which lays down, among other things, that general councils must always be held in the place which the supreme pontiff, with the consent and approval of the council, is bound to depute and assign, within the month before the end of this council, as the place for the next council after the end of the present one.

李柱铭等,我们希望和愿望付诸实施了一项法令,这项总理事会〔 45 〕,其中规定,除其他事项外,一般认为,议会必须始终被扣押在地方最高的教宗,事先征得其同意与批准安理会的同意,势必 depute和转让,将在本月在本月底之前,安理会作为地方未来会结束后,现在的一。

I ain't as rich as old Jim Hornback, and I can't be so blame' generous and good to Tom, Dick, and Harry as what he is, and slam around money the way he does; but I've told him a many a time 't I wouldn't trade places with him; for, says I, a sailor's life's the life for me, and I'm derned if I'D live two mile out o' town, where there ain't nothing ever goin' on, not for all his spondulicks and as much more on top of it.


Someone is tossing petals in a stream Somewhere someone is standing at the foothills of their dreams Someone got a paintbrush, is painting over doubts Someone opened up his eyes and saw the sun coming out Someone was captive and found the courage to get off From a boulder in the well, somewhere the rain has stopped Someone is finding the place where they belong Everyday is summer somewhere in the world And the summer boys are headed for the falls to kiss the girls With their impatient hands groping honey breasts and curls They are filled with desire And high in the hills there's a baby being born As forgiveness and peace wash over bruises and sores People bridging the distance over nettles and thorns Everyone aboard on the merry-go-round Some things will rise up so that others come down If the devil don't dance, heaven won't shine It's a mighty thick haze and it's a pretty thin line If the facuet is tightened up the love won't flow If the love isn't bright enough the corn won't grow If the night isn't dark enough the moon won't glow A rich man counting money, a tired man counting sheep While the safe man counts his blessings, the hungry man has beans There's a million people praying, raising up their eyes To what turns out to be the same god, the same sky We are slightly scared of death, a little bit afraid So we celebrate everything we can think to celebrate We shall sing out loud to keep the hounds away Everyone aboard on the merry-go-round Some things will rise up so that others come down If the devil don't dance, heaven won't shine It's a mighty thick haze and it's a pretty thin line If the facuet is tightened up the love won't flow If the love isn't bright enough the corn won't grow If the night isn't dark enough the moon won't glow Prisons will crumble and governments will fall It's the order of freedom to be preceded by walls Cause the truth would be worthless if no one ever lied So we carry our shame in the interest of pride And we have all these questions to make us go roam And we've got all this distance to make us come home As the sun burns, a child learns, the tide churns, the world turns Everyone aboard on the merry-go-round Some things will rise up so that others come down If the devil don't dance, heaven won't shine It's a mighty thick haze and it's a pretty thin line If the facuet is tightened up the love won't flow If the love isn't bright enough the corn won't grow If the night isn't dark enough the moon won't glow

有人扔花瓣在流某处有人站在山脚下的他们的梦想有人了画笔,画的是怀疑有人打开了他的眼睛,看到太阳出来有人圈养和发现的勇气下车从巨石的很好,某处雨已停止有人的地方发现它们属于日常是夏天在世界一些地方和夏季男孩前往瀑布亲吻女孩不耐烦的手与他们摸索蜂蜜乳房和卷发他们是充满希望和高的山上有一个婴儿出生作为宽恕与和平洗了伤痕和疮人民缩小距离,荨麻和荆棘 93号航班上的旋转木马有些东西会起来,使其他人下降如果没有魔鬼舞蹈,天上不会服务这是一个强大的浓雾,这是一个非常薄线如果是加紧facuet的爱将不会流如果爱情是没有足够明亮的玉米不会增长如果是没有黑暗的夜晚足够月球不会发光富翁数钱,一个疲惫的人计数羊虽然安全的人把他的祝福,在饥饿的人有豆有100万人祈祷,提高了他们的眼睛什么结果是相同的上帝,同样的天空我们稍微害怕死亡,有点害怕因此,我们庆祝所能想庆祝我们将唱大声保持距离猎犬 93号航班上的旋转木马有些东西会起来,使其他人下降如果没有魔鬼舞蹈,天上不会服务这是一个强大的浓雾,这是一个非常薄线如果是加紧facuet的爱将不会流如果爱情是没有足够明亮的玉米不会增长如果是没有黑暗的夜晚足够月球不会发光监狱将崩溃和政府将下降有秩序的自由之前,墙壁原因真相将是毫无价值的,如果没有人说谎因此,我们在履行我们的耻辱的利益骄傲和我们所有这些问题让我们去漫游我们还有这一切的距离,使我们回家太阳灼伤,儿童学习,潮流,提供世界轮流 93号航班上的旋转木马有些东西会起来,使其他人下降如果没有魔鬼舞蹈,天上不会服务这是一个强大的浓雾,这是一个非常薄线如果是加紧facuet的爱将不会流如果爱情是没有足够明亮的玉米不会增长如果是没有黑暗的夜晚足够月球不会发光

He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had became legendary long before he died.

P.S 。红笔标注为拼写错误的地方,突出显示的是重点的地方,绿色儿的是一些生词儿。

For digital communication systems, bandwidth describes the capacity of the system to transport digital data from one place to another.


At length I spy'd a little Cove on the right Shore of the Creek, to which with great Pain and Difficulty I guided my Raft, and at last got so near, as that, reaching Ground with my Oar, I could thrust her directly in, but here I had like to have dipt all my Cargo in the Sea again; for that Shore lying pretty steep, that is to say sloping, there was no Place to land, but where one End of my Float, if it run on Shore, would lie so high, and the other sink lower as before, that it would endanger my Cargo again: All that I could do, was to wait 'till the Tide was at highest, keeping the Raft with my Oar like an Anchor to hold the Side of it fast to the Shore, near a flat Piece of Ground, which I expected the Water would flow over; and so it did: As soon as I found Water enough, for my Raft drew about a Foot of Water, I thrust her on upon that flat Piece of Ground, and there fasten'd or mor'd her by sticking my two broken Oars into the Ground; one on one Side near one End, and one on the other Side near the other End; and thus I lay 'till the Water ebb'd away, and left my Raft and all my Cargo safe on Shore.


Therefore, earnestly studies the local finance disbursement promotes a local finance conditions improve more effective method.


The isolation of his manner and colour lent him the appearance of a creature from Tophet, who had strayed into the pellucid smokelessness of this region of yellow grain and pale soil, with which he had nothing in common, to amaze and to discompose its aborigines.


He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
