英语人>网络例句>在海上 相关的搜索结果


与 在海上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children will relate to this predicament as the newcomer to a game frequently ousts the originator and takes over. In spite of this they become playmates. In fact, Dan's sister's imagination clearly comes into play as the adventure increases in its complexity to include 'pirate clowns juggling plates, while others sing sea-shanties, tell truth-whispering tales and feast on pig, yams and fig'.

但孩子们常会面临新加入的玩伴时常会剥夺起源者的权力并接管整个游戏的处境,尽管这样,他们还是成为很好的玩伴,事实上,正当其他小孩在唱著水手歌,说著海上故事和享受猪肉,马铃薯和无花果大餐, Dan的姊姊,脑海里却浮现了日益复杂和与众不同的剧情&小丑海盗表演牌子杂耍&。

This paper briefly introduced the progress in time-lapse seismic as shown from the 76th SEG annual meeting. Topics include the repeatability of time-lapse seismic, in which we discussed the effects of shooting and receiving environments on repeatability, the effects of the cable length and its positioning accuracy and stability on repeatability, and the data processing techniques to improve repeatability, new insights into time-lapse seismic, in which we described tube wave time-lapse response, spectral decomposition, and time-lapse VSP monitoring, and problems related to application of time-lapse seismic technology. The comprehensive applications of time-lapse seismic and other geophysical data were demonstrated with the real data from an oilfield. Finally, we summarized the difficulties in using time-lapse seismic and outlooked its future trend.


China is also vastly outmatched in naval aviation, with nothing comparable to the hundreds of American maritime patrol (P-3) aircraft.


That paddles in a hale on sea;Because my love is come to me.


Because of Paise lonely in on earth, from the midair overlooks its big just as boundless one seat navigation mark of the sea.


There could be little doubt, for instance, that this very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice.

就以这艘船上的船员为例吧,他们虽然不是海上生涯中那种声名狼藉的人物,但用我们 sSBbWw 的话说,肯定犯有劫掠西班牙商船的罪行,在今天的法庭上,都有处以绞刑的危险。

"This very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice."


"This very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimen s of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice."


In the new version, X-Plane populates areas of ocean for you automatically with Oil Rigs, Aircraft Carriers, and Frigate Vessels, which can be used to perform maritime flight operations.

在新版本中,X-Plane 生成大量的海洋,并随机的产生钻油井、航空母舰和军舰,他们提供海上的飞行事宜。

On all the ships the sails were reefed with fear and trembling, while she sat calmly on the floating iceberg, watching the blue lightning, as it darted its forked flashes into the sea.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
