英语人>网络例句>在海上 相关的搜索结果


与 在海上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I started up in the greatest hast imaginable, and in a trice clapt my Ladder to the middle Place of the Rock, and pull'd it after me, and mounting it the second Time, got to the Top of the Hill, the very Moment, that a Flash of Fire bid me listen for a second Gun, which accordingly, in about half a Minute I heard; and by the sound, knew that it was from that Part of the Sea where I was driven down the Current in my Boat.


There are in Africa none of those great inlets, such as the Baltic and Adriatic seas in Europe, the Mediterranean and Euxine seas in both Europe and Asia, and the gulphs of Arabia, Persia, India, Bengal, and Siam, in Asia, to carry maritime commerce into the interior parts of that great continent: and the great rivers of Africa are at too great a distance from one another to give occasion to any considerable inland navigation.


Big military exercises in western Russia and Belarus, which finished earlier this month, were based on the following improbable scenario: ethnic Poles in western Belarus rise up and "terrorists" from Lithuania attack the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. More than 10,000 troops from Russia and Belarus countered them, reinforcing Kaliningrad from the sea and sending special forces behind the enemy lines.


The warts of a frogfish blend in with the bumpy texture of a sea sponge as it awaits unsuspecting prey in the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.


Others took up the mats covering the platform, shook them to leeward, lash them down again in a seamanlike manner, and heaved on the forestays, now slackening with the heat of the sun, while a third party brought up small pigs,edible dogs and fowls, in baskets, mostly from larboard hull, and arranged them on the forward part of the deck where they sat good and quite, as ship-borne animals so often do.


This is the brave petrel, in roars on sea, among lightning, arrogant soaring; This is the victory prophet is yelling


After many setbacks and adventures on the sea, he settled down in Brazil as a planter.


So void was I of every Thing that was good, or of the least Sense of what I was, or was to be, that in the greatest Deliverances I enjoy'd, such as my Escape from Sallee; my being taken up by the Portuguese Master of the Ship; my being planted so well in the Brasils; my receiving the Cargo from England, and the like; I never had once the Word Thank God, so much as on my Mind, or in my Mouth; nor in the greatest Distress, had I so much as a Thought to pray to him, or so much as to say, Lord have Mercy upon me;no nor to mention the Name of God, unless it was to swear by, and blaspheme it.


We will fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with god's help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people from his yoke.


In Job God presents his acts of making the world as beyond the powers of an ignorant human, describing it in metaphors of a builder stretching a measuring line over the world, holding up the pillars that support the earth, laying the foundations for the world, closing the gate on the sea and marking its boundary, storing up snow and hail in a storeroom, and digging channels for the rain to pour out.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
