英语人>网络例句>在海上 相关的搜索结果


与 在海上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think of your shattered life Of your struggle, of your strife While ladies dance in the moonlit night Champagne parties on chartered cruises I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain Of ignorant fear gone insane In a hysterical society With free-floating anxiety And feigned piety I miss you, Ryan White You showed us how to stand and fight In the rain you were a cloudburst of joy The sparkle of hope in every girl and boy In the depths of your anguished sorrow Was the dream of another tomorrow.

我想起你破碎的一生你的奋斗和争执当女仕在月夜起舞香槟酒会在包租的海上游艇举行我看到你耗损的形骸,我看到你耗损的形骸,你鬼魅的眼神我能感觉你溃烂的伤口,我能感觉你溃烂的伤口,被殴的淤青阮怀特,愤恨与苦痛的象征怀特,无知的恐惧的象征,无知的恐惧的象征,变得疯狂在这歇斯底里的社会充满着随意漂流的焦躁和作伪的虔善我想你,我想你,阮怀特你让我们看到该如何忍受及战斗在雨中,在雨中,你是一场喜悦的骤雨在每个女孩与男孩心目中的希望之光在你身心伤痛的深处是对另一个明日的美梦译注: WHITE 美国印第安那州人,十岁时因血友病输血感染爱滋病,,美国印第安那州人译注:阮怀特美国印第安那州人,十岁时因血友病输血感染爱滋病,十怀特,四岁去世。

In order, however, that those who ought to attend so very useful a council may not be held back in any way from coming, we hereby grant and concede, with the approval of the said sacred council, to each and every one of those summoned to the council by the said Julius, our predecessor, or who ought to take part, by right or custom, in the meetings of general councils, especially those of the French nation, and to those schismatics and others who are coming to the said Lateran council by common or special right, on account of a declaration or apostolic letter of our predecessors or of the apostolic see (except, of course, those under prohibition), and to the attendants and associates of those who come, of whatever status, rank, condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical or secular, for themselves and all their belongings, a free, guaranteed and fully comprehensive safeconduct, for coming by land or sea through the states, territories and places that are subject to the said Roman church, to this Lateran council in Rome, and of residing in the city and freely exchanging views, and of leaving it as often as they wish, with complete, unrestricted and total security and with a true and unchallengeable papal guarantee, notwithstanding any impositions of ecclesiastical or secular censures and penalties which may have been promulgated in general against them, for whatever reasons, by law or by the aforesaid see, under any forms of words or clauses, and which they may in general have incurred.

为了然而,这些谁应该参加这样非常有用的一个委员会可能不会举行任何方式从今后,我们在此授予和承认,并核准说,神圣的理事会,每一个人传唤安理会的朱利叶斯说,我们的前任,或谁应该采取的一部分,由权利或习俗,在会议一般性理事会,尤其是法国的国家,以及那些schismatics和其他谁是未来的说拉特兰安理会通过共同或特殊的权利,考虑到申报或使徒信中我们的前辈或使徒见(当然,除非这些规定禁止),以及人员和同夥的人谁来,无论地位,职级,条件或贵族,他们可能会,教会或世俗的,为自己和所有财物,一个自由,保障和全面的safeconduct ,为今后的陆地或海上的国家,地区和地方,均受说,罗马教会,本拉特兰理事会在罗马,以及居住在城市和自由交换意见,并离开它往往是他们愿意,完全,不受限制和总的安全和真正的和不容挑战教皇的保证,尽管有任何强加的教会或世俗的谴责和惩罚,可能已经颁布了对他们的一般,不论原因,根据法律规定或上述看到,在任何形式的文字或条款,他们可能在一般性支出。

There is nothing glamorous in this simple town But there's this special flower that can only bloom right here And all the heavy burdens in our heart, Get carried away The wind can smooth the wrinkles of the past Like a dazzling reflection in the sky I hear the distant calling of the ancient ripples of the sea And I realise that your laughter reminds me Of the soothing sound of the gentle ocean And your heart can't cover up the look of loneliness You don't have to reveal it to me But anytime you need it These faces so familiar in your heart Wait for you to reach to their hands I want to know if that place That I've been once before Hasn't ever changed And remains the place that always will be there for me Till the last goodbye ill cherish it And I can't stop looking back to see That you're smiling waving back at me Gonna bite my lips not to cry And I'm trying to fight this feeling But the tears may get so hard to see Ill be waiting for the day We can reunite again Where the flowers bloom For Jus me and you There is something that the shadows can't explain Something so simple and so obvious, that we forget Behind the cloudy surface of it all, if we look up above We'll see the sun shine illuminate everything we see All the past and present faces here are all to stay Each prayer wishes new memories Im proud to have it all These memories alive inside my heart Blossoming vividly one by one After the rain the roads are muddy and there's puddles everywhere And we clearly see all the footsteps in this journey thru this life we lead And I pray these tears can find a way and breathe life back into the day When the weltered petals in my heart once again blossoming And ill whisper to the ocean breeze and my wish will soar above the seas And a rainbow in the sky will appear for you and i Glistening in the sun, shine for everyone Hey, the only place where the flowers bloom The only place where this wind can blow The only place you can hear this song The only place you can see these sign Hey, the only place where the flowers bloom The only place where this wind can blow I want to know if that place That I've been once before Hasn't ever changed And remains the place that always will be there for me And ill try to fight this feeling But the tears may get so hard to see Ill be waiting for the day We can reunite again After the rain the roads are muddy and there's puddles everywhere And we clearly see the footsteps in this journey thru this life we lead I try to fight this loneliness But the tears may get so hard to see Even thru the scars and memories I won't forget you and me So radiantly shining thru The horizon as it rises high And the wind carries it star beneath the memories Ooh still im waiting for you


Aimming atinternational nihilism about wartime neutrality,the author analyses the neutralityunder the collective security,and then concludes that when the collective security isout of work the conventional neutral laws and regulations are still appliable.Theauthor continues to analyses,from the angles of history and law,the question ofneutral maritime trade during Iran-Iraq War,Gulf War,the Folklands War,andhighlights that neutral rights are vital for the neutrals to maintain wartime seabornetrade.


Base on analysing the necessity and feasibility of cross-regional cooperation in tourism of Sea Silk Road.


Minaret in history has been the subject of Maritime Navigation, the beacon tower, leading to the sea."Silk Road" and the vessel returning from overseas to see minaret, Bianzhi reached the "Silk Road" of the origin of Guangzhou.


In island-dappled waters of the Andaman Sea, a nomadic way of life hangs in the balance.

Sea Gypsies of Myanmar 缅甸海上吉普赛人在岛屿点缀的安达曼海,一个海上游牧名族找到了生活的平衡。

These days, maritime-security providers operating off east Africa almost always make some use of weapons, says Didier Berra, a French army veteran who has worked for Secopex, a naval-security firm based in Carcassonne in France.

如今,在非洲东部海域执行海上安保组织几乎可以使用武器了。法国退役军人Didier Berra称。他供职于一家位于法国卡尔卡松的一家叫作Secopex的海上安保公司。

S Draft "Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1999"(Senate COGSA'99) was amended to a great extent ,which contains some useful Hague/Visby and Hamburg Rules provisions , but some particular provisions appear at the same time .


Jellicoe's defensive, cautious approach to naval warfare contrasted markedly with a wider public expectation of a major naval battle in the North Sea.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
