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First, in the composite hypothesis testing, circular dispersion error which is more practicable than horizontal and vertical error is used to discuss some problems of the dispersion of impact points; and the critical area of decision in the dispersion problem is analyzed; the specific expression of Bayesian risk is worked out, which ameliorates the method that only can get the approximate solution by calculating numerical integration.


In this kind of incomplete information system, a new kind of binary relation based on relative degree is proposed according to the set pair analysis, this binary relation is only reflective.


The dynamic analysis based classification method in the early stage of development is brought forward in the first time ,which consists of:firstly ,the material balance equation and the binomial production equation is solved together for those wells with stable production., to yield the anticipation under constant production ,and constant THP afterwards; Secondly, the R/S fractal method is used to demonstrate the declining tendency for those withdegressive production, and the GM(1,1) model is adopted for simulation and anticipation.


This opera is based on the lives of a family in the Midwest of the United States - devised by Copland after viewing photographs of families suffering through the depression.


Inspired by non-dual Buddhist and other eastern wisdom traditions, it uses meditative and cognitive processes to control anxiety, deconstruct reified symbols and encourage contemplative resting in non-dual mental space, where reality and its appearance are coemergent and coalesced but distinct , and healing occurs naturally without the need for any specific additional effort.


After describing the basic knowledge in the dissertation, we analyzed the stress situation under all conditions, and based on this, we did research theoretically on stress balance of steel wire rope, then we manage it into production practice of wire rope.


Through analysis, the thesis thinks that the economical nature of environment goods cannot be generalized by public goods or private goods, its nature has been changing between the two extremes. The environment goods is on one hand reflected in some legal arrangement in international environment statute, where the focus is the whole humankind, for example,"common heritage"; on the other hand, it is also reflected in the rules that protecting private rights in civil legal system, where the focus is the individual, for example,"the right of environment personality ". The essential part of environment justice is the social distribution of environment benefits and burdens, so the thesis centers on the social peculiarities of environment goods as social burdens and as social benefits. In detail, environment benefits are related both to property and to personality, and they are also un-produced, non-substitutive and prima goods as living resources; environment burdens are composed of LULUs and many uncertain and irreversible environment risks.


Here looks far to the east, may see the statuette island, along the stair, arrives at on the reef beach, settles down the onlooking in this or plays, plays with water, has realized truly with the sea " zero distance " the contact, can feel the sea profoundly the broad mind, the luck good friend can also sort in here ascends to beautiful seas in and so on sunstar, crab, cobblestone the citizen.


Firstly, This text has described information fusion technology characteristic, form structure and concrete processing method, and application of information fusion in fault diagnosis proves the feasibility and validity from the angle of information theory. Based on this,it is combined the fault diagnosis of aeroengine with Information fusion, a method and model which the fault diagnosis of aeroengine information fusion is brought forward. a research which combined neural networks with D-S evidence is brought forward. Based on the analysis of single neural network characteristic, the model of roted neural network is put forward. With the simulation based on the example, we can know evidence theory fusion improved the fault diagnosis It is hard to give the basic probability function in the process of using the evidence theory, So the model based on network and D-S evidence is put forword.


In our study, multiple temperature-independent points and accompanying oscillations are observed in the longitudinal resistivity between the low-field insulator and the quantum Hall liquid. The amplitudes of these oscillations can be well described by conventional Shubnikov-de Haas theory, and our experimental results therefore support the existence of an intermediate metallic regime between the low-field insulator and quantum Hall liquid.

在此研究中,我们发现在低场的绝缘态与高场的量子霍耳态之间,纵向电阻率有多个不随温度变化的交点,而此交点所在的位置与其所伴随振荡的振幅可以利用Shubnikov-de Haas 理论解释,因此由我们的实验结果可以看出,在低场绝缘态与高场量子霍耳液体态之间,的确存在一个过渡的金属态。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
