英语人>网络例句>在此中 相关的搜索结果


与 在此中 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter three, various theories and experience on the dispersion of nano-powders proposed by former researchers were generalized and reviewed. Technical standards and experimental process for determining technological parameters were suggested for the dispersion of nano-scaled metal oxides in aqueous medium according to their surface wettability, surface charge, the dependence of surface charge on pH and the compatibility of surfactants with pH and pH adjusting agents. Based on these suggested standards and experimental method, highly stable and dispersive aqueous suspensoid of nm-ZnO, nm-TiO〓, nm-Co〓O〓 and nm-MnO powders were prepared successfully and surface modification on these nano-powders was also achieved.


In each step the tangent plane of limit state surface at the previous iterative point is calculated firstly, and then a line from origin to a point on the plane is determined whose intersection with limit state surface satisfies the requirement of feasible direction and convergence.


The threshold of lithium tantalite under single-shot is found to be 1.84J /cm 2 and the avalanche rate was determined to be 1.01 cm 2 /J by calculation. We found that avalanche dominates the ablation process, while photoionization serves as a free electron provider.

在800nm飞秒激光脉冲作用下,钽酸锂晶体单脉冲烧蚀阈值为1.84 J /cm 2;在此基础上,我们通过建立钽酸锂晶体中导带电子密度演化微分方程,并数值求解,得到了钽酸锂的碰撞电离速率系数为1.01 cm 2 /J ,并得出在钽酸锂表面烧蚀中,光致电离提供种子电子,雪崩电离起主导作用的结论。

They are rooted in the Roman thermae where Roman aristocrats spent time as social activities, they usually ate, exercised, read, drink, shopped, socialized, and discussed politics there.


I was now in my twenty third Year of Residence in this Island, and was so naturaliz'd to the Place, and to the Manner of Living, that could I have but enjoy'd the Certainty that no Savages would come to the Place to disturb me, I could have been content to have capitulated for spending the rest of my Time there, even to the last Moment, till I had laid me down and dy'd, like the old Goat in the Cave.


In this sense, this paper classifies guilds' specific function according to these two functions and makes theoretic and empirical analyze of the process of function evolving of the guild which produce in the transition system. We unclose that the government absent chooses the executive administrate system upon guilds; locks the function of guilds in the function transition of relevant governmental departments and path of power-relax. The guilds are restricted by the vested-benefit of relevant department, and hence the guilds lack representation and can not provide effective incentives to the member or positive effect to the economical system and industrial development.


The Agent and the MAS architecture were mentioned as the core of M-GIS〓. The standards, criterions and protocols were discussed as the indemnification of M-GIS〓. The third part discussed the Agent, MAS architectures, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering and how to use these theories in M-GIS〓. Based on the clearly cognition of the Agent, MAS and AOSE, the universal Spatial-Info Agent architecture was proposed. This part put the emphasis on applying of the theories about Agent, MAS and AOSE and solving the organization problems of M-GIS〓.


This is determined by the recounting stategy of woman writers who match it with the city reading market.With female sensitivity and sharp observation they jot down various present life fragment of dramatic color,vivid plots in turns and twists,even oddness,which satisfy the reader's need to some extent.However,the biggest problem of legendary recounting affecting female metroplis novels is the modelization in creation,and severe untruthfulness of the story.This should not be neglected by woman writers if they are to surpass themselves.


Just in order to solve thisproblem, this subject further researches the new display solving scheme --WindML based onVxWorks system, demonstrates the enormous advantages of the new scheme in technology,proceeds with the architecture of WindML, based on WindML basic 2D display scheme,throughthe research and study of the systematic principle of WindML system and different service andmanagement,I have put forward the Chinese solving scheme based on VxWorks system, andthrough the study and research of FreeType 2 font engine and vector font, utilized WindMLsystematic mechanism , have finished the implementation of bitmap and vector Chinesecharacter in VxWorks system, and on the basis of which, have designed and optimized theinquiry algorithm of the Chinese input method editor, developed the Chinese input method editorbased on VxWorks system.

本课题正是为了解决这一问题,深入研究了基于VxWorks 系统新的显示解决方案——WindML,论证了新方案在技术上的重大优势,从WindML 的体系结构入手,以WindML 基本2D 显示方案为基础,通过对WindML 系统的系统原理,各种服务和管理的研究和学习,提出了基于VxWorks 系统的汉字解决方案,并通过对FreeType 2 字体引擎、矢量字体的研究,利用WindML 系统机制,完成了位图及矢量汉字在VxWorks 系统中的实现,在此基础上设计并优化了汉字输入法的查询算法,开发出了基于VxWorks 系统的汉字输入法。

The results show that a little amount of heteropolymolybdovanadophosphate can remarkably speed the degradation, the best conditions of the oxidative degradation of chitosan with hydrogen peroxide catalized by heteropolymolybdovanadophosphate in homogeneous condition are as follows: the ratio of catalyst and chitosan is 1 to 10, concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 0.15%, the temperature is 80℃, reaction time is 2h. 0.2g chitosan was degraded under the best condition and the molecular weight by viscometry was degraded from 1460000 to 7812. then water-soluble chitosan was obtained by this method; The heterogeneous method is a high efficient way, the best condition of this method are as follows: the ratio of catalyst and chitosan is 2 to 100, the volume of 30% hydrogen peroxide is about 3mL, the temperature is 90℃, reaction time is 5min~30min.

研究结果表明,适量磷钼钒的存在可显著加速壳聚糖的降解,磷钼钒催化过氧化氢均相氧化降解壳聚糖的适宜反应条件是:催化剂与壳聚糖的质量比为1∶10、过氧化氢百分浓度为0.15%、反应温度为80℃、反应时间为2h,在此条件下对0.2g溶解在100 mL 0.5%稀醋酸中的壳聚糖进行降解,可使壳聚糖的粘均分子量由原来的146万下降到七千多(7812),成为水溶性低分子量壳聚糖,从而达到应用的要求;在异相条件下以磷钼钒为催化剂催化过氧化氢氧化降解壳聚糖是一种高效快速的方法,此法降解壳聚糖的最佳反应条件是:催化剂与壳聚糖的质量比为2∶100;30%过氧化氢的用量为3mL左右;反应温度为90℃、反应时间为5min~30min。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
