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In the last chapter, on the basis of theories in paper [4, 5], the notions of strong mixing, weak mixing, generator and expansion of the variable-parametric dynamical system are introduced, it turns out that in variable-parametric dynamical system strong mixing implies weak mixing and then implies transitivity; it is proved that if and both are variable-parametric dynamical system, F conjugates with G , the members of F are communicate with each other and the members of G are also communicate with each other, what's more, they are both homeomorphism, then F is strong mixing implies G has the same properties; futhermore, we prove that F is strong mixing implies F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification in variable-parametric dynamical system and that F Devaney chaos in the sense of modification if and only if G Devaney chaos in the sense of modification when semi-conjugate with and they both are communicate and homeomorphism; at last, we illustrate that F has generator if and only if it has weak generator, and we also prove that if F is expansion, then F has generator.


In order, however, that those who ought to attend so very useful a council may not be held back in any way from coming, we hereby grant and concede, with the approval of the said sacred council, to each and every one of those summoned to the council by the said Julius, our predecessor, or who ought to take part, by right or custom, in the meetings of general councils, especially those of the French nation, and to those schismatics and others who are coming to the said Lateran council by common or special right, on account of a declaration or apostolic letter of our predecessors or of the apostolic see (except, of course, those under prohibition), and to the attendants and associates of those who come, of whatever status, rank, condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical or secular, for themselves and all their belongings, a free, guaranteed and fully comprehensive safeconduct, for coming by land or sea through the states, territories and places that are subject to the said Roman church, to this Lateran council in Rome, and of residing in the city and freely exchanging views, and of leaving it as often as they wish, with complete, unrestricted and total security and with a true and unchallengeable papal guarantee, notwithstanding any impositions of ecclesiastical or secular censures and penalties which may have been promulgated in general against them, for whatever reasons, by law or by the aforesaid see, under any forms of words or clauses, and which they may in general have incurred.

为了然而,这些谁应该参加这样非常有用的一个委员会可能不会举行任何方式从今后,我们在此授予和承认,并核准说,神圣的理事会,每一个人传唤安理会的朱利叶斯说,我们的前任,或谁应该采取的一部分,由权利或习俗,在会议一般性理事会,尤其是法国的国家,以及那些schismatics和其他谁是未来的说拉特兰安理会通过共同或特殊的权利,考虑到申报或使徒信中我们的前辈或使徒见(当然,除非这些规定禁止),以及人员和同夥的人谁来,无论地位,职级,条件或贵族,他们可能会,教会或世俗的,为自己和所有财物,一个自由,保障和全面的safeconduct ,为今后的陆地或海上的国家,地区和地方,均受说,罗马教会,本拉特兰理事会在罗马,以及居住在城市和自由交换意见,并离开它往往是他们愿意,完全,不受限制和总的安全和真正的和不容挑战教皇的保证,尽管有任何强加的教会或世俗的谴责和惩罚,可能已经颁布了对他们的一般,不论原因,根据法律规定或上述看到,在任何形式的文字或条款,他们可能在一般性支出。

In the meantime, at Geneva, Calvin was cleverly seeking to bring about a compromise between the extremes of the Lutheran literal and the Zwinglian figurative interpretations, by suggesting instead of the substantial presence in one case or the merely symbolical in the other, a certain mean, ie "dynamic", presence, which consists essentially in this, that at the moment of reception, the efficacy of Christ's Body and Blood is communicated from heaven to the souls of the predestined and spiritually nourishes them.


As to the doctrine called the Real Presence,[22] the council condemns: those who, denying that Jesus Christ, God and Man, is truly, really, substantially present in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, hold instead that He is only present as in a sign or image or manifestation of power; those who say that the substance of the bread and the wine remains along with the body and blood of Christ, denying that marvellous and unique changing of the whole substance of the bread into the Body and the whole substance of the wine into Blood, while the appearance of bread and wine still remain--the change which the Catholic Church most suitably calls Transubstantiation; those who say that the Body and Blood of Christ is not there following upon the consecration, but only while the sacrament is in use, while it is being received, that is to say, but not before this or after this, and that in what is left over of the consecrated hosts or particles after communion has been administered, the true Body of the Lord does not remain; who say that the main fruit, or the sole fruit, of this sacrament is the forgiveness of sins; or that Christ the only begotten son of God is not to be adored in this sacrament with the externals of the reverence called latria,[23] and that those who do so adore Him in this sacrament are idolaters; that Christ is shown forth in this sacrament to be received in a spiritual manner, and not also sacramentally and really; that only faith is sufficient preparation for receiving this most holy sacrament.

至於所谓的理论的真实临在, [ 22 ]安理会谴责:这些谁,否认耶稣基督,上帝和人类,这是真正的,真的,大大目前在圣圣体圣事,持有相反,他只是本作为一个标志或形象或表现的权力;谁说,这些实质的面包和酒仍然随著身体和基督的血,不可否认,神奇和独特改变整个实质面包进入人体和整个物质的酒血,而出现的面包和葡萄酒仍然-改变了天主教会最适当的要求Transubstantiation ;谁说,那些身体和血液基督是不存在的神圣以下,但只有同时圣礼正在使用中,虽然它正在收到,这就是说,但在此之前或之后这本,在什麼是遗留下来的在神圣的主机或颗粒后共融已管理,真正的机构上帝不会留,谁说,主要水果,或唯一的水果,这种圣礼是宽恕的罪过;或基督唯一的独生子上帝是不喜欢在这圣礼与外部的崇敬所谓latria , [ 23 ] ,这些谁做崇拜他的这一圣礼是拜偶像;基督显示本条圣礼收到在一个精神的方式,而不是还sacramentally真正;,只有信仰是足够的准备接受这个最神圣的圣体。

Furthermore, synchronal mechanism of the new version gained popularization in my department.


Base on the discussion of the basic subject concerning definition, character, designation, classify, function of the international treaty and it's conclusion, inuring, reservation, revision, comparing the relation of the international treaty and Chinese law, confirming the above status in China law system, the problem of applying with regard to the international treaty including the manner, reasoni


The LESSOR reserves the right to grant or use such easement in, over, through, under, or upon land so lease as maybe necessary to the working of the same, or other mineral lands as well as the right to lease, sell, or otherwise dispose of the surface of the land embraced within this Lease under existing law or laws insofar as said surface is not necessary for use by the LESSEE in extracting and removing the mineral deposit from the land covered by this lease or in beneficiation of the ores extracted there from, or from any other mining claim; of to issue such permit for easement herein provided to be reserved and to permit the use of the land covered by this lease, as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of the mills, mining camps, or other works incident to the mining and milling operation on the lands covered by this Lease or on the any other mineral lands.

出租人象可能之下必要预留权利授予或使用这样的缓和,通过,在,或在土地因此租约对同样,或其它矿物土地的工作并且权利出租,卖,或否则处理土地的表面被拥抱在这份租约之内根据现有的法律或法律只要前述表面不是必要的供租客使用在提取和去除矿床从土地由这份租约包括或在矿石的beneficiation 被提取那里从,或从其他采矿要求;发布这样的许可证为缓和此中提供被预留和允许对土地的用途由这份租约包括,和愿是必要的为磨房,开采的阵营,或其他的建筑和维护工作事件对采矿和碾碎的操作在土地由这份租约包括或在所有其它矿物土地。

This thesis commences from the review of the process of music curriculum standards in the recent hundred years of primary and junior high school, concluding the outstanding characteristics of 《Music Curriculum Standards of the compulsory education 》compared with the advanced 《music Teaching syllabus of the compulsory education》. We use the method of question, interviewing and observing etc. to investigate and understand concrete implementation situation of music curriculum standards in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, including the uses of music teachers of 《standards 》, feels of students in implementation of《standards 》. Also this text concluded the variety of music curriculum standards implementation in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia from teaching methods, studying ways, evaluating curriculum etc., concluded the existing drawbacks, and gave suggestion of further development. It also outlooks foreground of curriculum reformation. The aim is to perfect music curriculum standards to guide the music teaching availably.


CRC has not entered into any joint venture agreement, royalty arrangement or sale agreement, nor has it granted any Encumbrance with respect to its interest in Selenga, the Intermediary Holding Companies, the Colet Claims or in the Hinoba-an Property, nor has it made any other commitment that would be inconsistent with its obligations hereunder

CRC并没有达成任何合资协议,或者交易协议,也没有承认任何有关在Selenga中的利益的任何阻碍,媒介控股公司,或者Hinoba-an资产中的 Colet索赔,也没有做任何其他的在此之下跟它的指责不一致的委托事项。

In this control system based on fieldbus, intelligent field devi...


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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