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In order to overcome the technological difficulties encountered in the course of insulation fault diagnosis on the base of dissolved gases analysis, several kinds of mathematic models and actualized methods are brought forward to improve the reliability and veracity of fault diagnosis of transformers. The research works are shown mainly as followings:1 A modified fuzzy multi-criteria method is brought forward for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer. Furthermore, a new method for insulation fault diagnosis is proposed on the base of fuzzy multi-criteria together with rule reasoning. With fuzzy diagnosis in the method, fault reasons are filtrated and then the reasons in low probability are prohibited, Moreover, the left reasons are testified by using rule reasoning and then final concludes are drawn in much less misjudge probability and better results.2 On the base of geometry characteristics of C- partition to sample set of DGA data of transformer, a method is put forward to compute effective radius of neighbor field of a sample, number of clusters and values of initial centers. Moreover, the fuzzy C- means cluster model with adaptive weight is brought forward in the first time and then the fault classifier is designed for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer.3 According to the weakness of the degree of gray of gray incidence, a new formula to compute DGI is put forward and then incidence order criterion is ascertained. Moreover, a new DGI model for fault diagnosis is proposed according to the further analysis to relationship between fault reason and content of oil dissolved gases of transformer.

为解决在应用油中溶解气体分析方法(Dissolved Gases Analysis,简称DGA)诊断变压器内部绝缘故障时所遇到的主要技术难题,论文提出了用于提高变压器故障诊断准确性和可靠性的数学模型及实现方法,主要研究工作如下:1)提出了一种改进的变压器绝缘故障诊断模糊综合评判方法;进一步提出了将模糊综合诊断与规则推理相结合进行绝缘故障诊断的方法,该方法采用模糊推理对故障原因进行"过滤",滤掉可能性极小的原因,然后进一步利用规则推理验证剩下的可能原因,得出最终结论,大大减少了误判比率,获得了较好的效果。2)根据以变压器DGA数据为特征量的样本空间的c-划分几何特性出发,提出了一种求取样本有效邻域半径和聚类数及聚类中心初值的方法,在此基础上,首次提出了一种自适应加权的变压器绝缘故障诊断的模糊c-均值聚类模型,并设计出故障分类器。3)针对常用灰色关联度的不足,提出了一新的灰色关联度计算公式及确定关联序的准则;并在此基础上,通过深入分析变压器发生绝缘故障时的原因与油中溶解特征气体含量的关系,建立了一种新的故障诊断灰色关联模型;通过实例分析证明,该方法能有效地诊断出变压器绝缘故障及故障部位,大大提高了诊断的准确性。

The security of PKI system itself is especially emphasized during the system design and implementation process, which is in accordance with the pervasive characteristic of PKI. Second, the concept of a Trusted Key Management Center is introduced for the first time. This technology greatly strengthens key management practices and allows for smooth transition from PKI to Key Management Infrastructure. Third, certificate status mechanisms are investigated in depth, and a certificate revocation performance simulation system is devised. All these work will provide guides to practice and employment of PKI applications. Based on time constraints, a new taxonomy for authenticated dictionaries is proposed. Fourth, formal analysis ofOCSP protocol is carried out; then an efficient and scalable OCSP system is developed. Fifth, the special requirements caused by the working environments of Wireless PKI are analyzed. Based on communicative hashing and dynamic Merkle hash tree, an efficient certificate status validation method suitable for WPKI is presented. Sixth, one important kind of fair exchange protocols is studied, and a new CEMBS based on RSA cryptosystem is proposed. Afterwards, a novel fair exchange protocol totally based on RSA signature scheme is devised.


The security of PKI system itself is especially emphasized during the system design and implementation process, which is in accordance with the pervasive characteristic of PKI. Second, the concept of a Trusted Key Management Center is introduced for the first time. This technology greatly strengthens key management practices and allows for smooth transition from PKI to Key Management Infrastructure . Third, certificate status mechanisms are investigated in depth, and a certificate revocation performance simulation system is devised. All these work will provide guides to practice and employment of PKI applications. Based on time constraints, a new taxonomy for authenticated dictionaries is proposed. Fourth, formal analysis of OCSP protocol is carried out; then an efficient and scalable OCSP system is developed. Fifth, the special requirements caused by the working environments of Wireless PKI are analyzed. Based on communicative hashing and dynamic Merkle hash tree, an efficient certificate status validation method suitable for WPKI is presented. Sixth, one important kind of fair exchange protocols is studied, and a new CEMBS based on RSA cryptosystem is proposed. Afterwards, a novel fair exchange protocol totally based on RSA signature scheme is devised.


In this thesis, elaboration on the phenomenon of deviations in literary texts and instantiation of their translation drawn from actually translated texts are intended to show the multifariousness of deviations in literary texts, to deepen literary translators" understanding of this phenomenon, and to demonstrate the close interrelation of deviations"deviant formal features to the functions they may assume in literary texts, thus pointing out the importance of achieving equivalence in "stylistic markedness" and "literary expressiveness" when translating them.


This article that focuses on the systematic and in-depth research in the current primal problem about abnormal burst pressure reservoir depress burst pressure has procured following main fruits:1 It forms the method which could obtain massive vertical static state mechanics parameters.2 In a foundation of acquisition of rock mechanics parameters,apply bent lamella that as mechanical model along with characteristic of actual geologic characteristics to analysis curvature for anticlinal strcture, get homologous tectonic stress value throug relation between the curvature and stress and different principal curvature in anticlinal structure,consequently set up laminational stress model for anticline reservoir. The block lamination for existed fracturing date has formed method of setting up mechanical model of lamination terrestrial stress by abtaining the block tectonic stress coefficients which are got by complex utilization test, laboratory test and fracturing date playback.3 Analysesing the main reason which lead to high burst pressure by considering the characteristic of reservoir geology,reservoir,and rock mechanics and reservoir damage,etc.Establishing burst pressure quantitative prediction model which provide gist for depressing construction risk and optimizing construction craft under the condition of open hole completion ,gun-perforated completion and damaged reservoir.4 Provding theoretical basis for interpreting acidification pretreatment which could depress busrt pressure by finding the relation between the influencing factors and rock machanics parameters and analysing the factors that have effect on rock mechanics parameters. Expounding the mechanism of reaction of mixed monomineral and acid from the angle of microcosmic element, evaluating quantitatively acid sensilility of different kinds of mineral effectively, and determing the first-order reaction dynamical equation of each mineral.5 Revealing rock mechanics property chage as a result of acid flooding in different condition by sandstone traumata experiment in different temperatures which combined with rock mechanics triaxial stress experiment.6 Associating damage mechanics with sandstone acidizing, established sandstone damage mechanics model in the foundation of the recognition on the rock mechanics parametric variation which is caused by acid-rock reaction in both macroscopic view and microscopic view ,also demonstrated those processes and quantitative estimated the acid busrt pressure to direct the site operation.


The work reads as follows: setting up the concept of network users" behavior and categorised system, then discussing the classification of users based on network users" behavior; analyzing the information source of network behavior analytical system, considering mostly two respects of efficiency and accuracy of behavior information; probing into the demand,step and system frame for establishing network user"s behavior analytical system, and discussing some key technology in course of the system implementation; Then putting forward several kinds of common application modes or thought of network users" behavior analysis, including network click flow analysis , computer and network security analysis and user structure analysis of Intranet. The key algorithm of behavior analysis system has been discussed and improved .


In this framework, image frame, audio and text are represented, which are the three modalities in video shots as data points by the 3rd-order tensor. Then a subspace embedding and dimension reduction method is proposed, which explicitly considers the manifold structure of the tensor space from temporal-sequenced associated co-occurring multimodal media data in video. It is called TensorShot approach. Transductive learning uses a large amount of unlabeled data together with the labeled data to build better classifiers. A transductive support tensor machines algorithm is proposed to train effective classifier. This algorithm preserves the intrinsic structure of the submanifold where tensorshots are sampled, and is also able to map out-of-sample data points directly. Moreover, the utilization of unlabeled data improves classification ability.


the fast transposition algorithm to sparse matrix expressed by triple list is introduced.this algorithm needs to determine the position in the transposed matrix position of the first element which is not equal to zero in the original matrix each row,it uses two arrays as auxiliary space.in order to reduce the auxiliary space which the algorithm needed,an improvement is made through introducing two simple variables.the improved algorithm saves a half auxiliary space compared to the original algorithm at the same time complexity.

摘 要:介绍基于三元组表表示的稀疏矩阵的快速转置算法,此算法在转置前需要先确定原矩阵中各列第一个非零元在转置矩阵中的位置,在此使用2个数组作为辅助空间,为了减少算法所需的辅助空间,通过引入2个简单变量提出一种改进算法。该改进算法在时间复杂度保持不变的情况下,空间复杂度比原算法节省一半。

Hold it therefore for a certain truth that you can have no good come into your soul, but only by the one way of a birth from above, from the Entrance of the Deity into the properties of your own soulish life.


Hold it therefore for a certain truth that you can have no good come into your soul, but only by the one way of a birth from above, from the Entrance of the Deity into the properties of your own soulish life.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
