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For regular topology surface, intermediate surface local texture mapping are used; for irregular topology surface, subdivision surface local texture mapping are used. So different topology surface using different texture mapping methods can solve the contradiction between texture effect and processing speed when they are dealt with by single method. The three judge conditions of texture distortion in the process of mapping onto the sphere surface are discussed and the exiting algorithms of mapping are analyzed, the new algorithms of mapping onto the sphere surface are presented. In order to enhance the realistic of graphics, a new function of wood texture is presented. OpenGL is also introduced in this papers and some realization examples of texture mapping based on OpenGL under the environment of VC++ and POV-RAY are presented in some chapters.

对于简单拓扑表面,利用改进的两步纹理映射,对于复杂拓扑表面利用新的面片分割算法,初步解决了颜色纹理中速度与走样之间的矛盾;通过对球面纹理时纹理不变形的三个判断条件的研究,分析了现在各种球面纹理映射算法,并在此基础上提出了一种基于等面积的半球面纹理映射算法,明显减少了球面纹理的纹理变形;针对现有的木纹纹理中,两种表示木纹的颜色差距表现出的颜色突变问题进行研究,提出对这两种颜色进行线性插值或二次插值,使生成的木纹纹理颜色更加连续,更加逼真;在VC++环境下,通过调用Open GL的图形库及在Pov-Ray软件环境下,实现了参数化纹理、球面纹理、凹凸纹理及木纹纹理等各种算法。

However, some Welsh and Breton tales and poems relating the story of Arthur date from earlier than this work; in these works, Arthur appears either as a great warrior defending Britain from human and supernatural enemies or as a magical figure of folklore, sometimes associated with the Welsh Otherworld, Annwn.


Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is located in the Midwest, Nanjing, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, three provinces in the district at the junction point is the NT's third-largest rail hub, Paulhan,甘武, Po in the railway and is currently under construction in the railway too in this intersection .


The technical ofblind signal separation is mainly discussed in this dissertation: including the theory and themethod. Then a multi-sensor intelligent data processing system is established to solve theproblem involved above. And this is belong to the pels fusion and the characteristic fusion ofinformation fusion. The research content and contributions of the author are summarized asfollows:(1) The pre-processing procedure of blind signal separation is mainly discussed in this chapter.


In the winter they have dropped to as low as forty-one degrees below zero. Life in the Badlands is difficult. But animals do survive. The most well known is the prairie dog. This small mammal lives in a series of underground passages.


Another problem is automatically seeking the route . Former model is complexity, so we put forward the method of predigestion, and set up a model of dendriform network.


Results Analysis of the expression of proteins of JAK2 in leukemic blasts, there was no detectable constitutive expression of phosphorylated JAK2 in all the AML samples analyzed; Furthermore, we could detect a constitutive activation of STAT 3 by immunoprecipitation of the targeted protein in primary leukemic blasts from 3 of 11 AML patients without any cytokine treatment; Pretreatment clinical characteristics, and treatment regimens did not differ significantly between patients with and without constitutive STAT3 activity, there was not significant relation between the constitutive activation of STAT3 and the FAB subvariety and chromosome karyotype; However, the 3 patients with constitutive STAT3 activity seemed to have adverse treatment outcome, one did not show remission, the other two patients relapsed shortly after remission; Consistent with the above-mentioned result, leukemic blasts from the 3 samples with constitutive expression of STAT3 showed higher percentage of spontaneous apoptosis and S-phase cells.

在实验研究基础上,本研究进一步运用免疫沉淀和Western Blot印迹方法,检测AML患者原代细胞JAK2和STAT3活化情况,并分析了STAT3活化与AML患者预后有关指标改变的关系。结果我们的初步研究发现,11例AML患者中,有3例呈现STAT3组成型活化(STAT3阳性,下同),无一例呈JAK2组成型活化。上述3例STAT3组成型活化与FAB分型和染色体核型改变未见明显相关性;在此3例患者中,1例未取得缓解,另外2例虽然取得短暂缓解,但均在二个月内复发。上述3例STAT3阳性AML患者S期白血病细胞百分率数值较组高,而凋亡率数值较低。

Then, it studies the supply chain management system as a complex system to confirm the state existing during operating of the system. After that, it conducts a probability analysis on the state which the system located by applying supplement variable method, and establishes the model of distributed parameter system in a form of partial differential equations. Combining C0 ? semigroup theory in the functional analysis, it conducts a dynamic analysis on the established mathematical model. Using this method, it obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution and the steady state solution, and proves the uniqueness, non-negativity and the asymptotic stability of the system solution. This dissertation applies the Matlab tool and uses two-step, three-step Simpson integral equation to imitate the condition of system solution. Then, it adds possible mode of failure and the optimization adjustment state to the system, based on which it has established the distributed parameter system model which is described by partial differential system of equations. Combining the functional analysis C0 ? semigroup theory, it studies the established mathematical model, and obtains the mathematical expression of the dynamic solution system and the steady state solution. It has proven the existing of uniqueness of the system solution, the asymptotic stability of system solution and the system solution. In addition, it has lying the theory rationale for further analysis and the research on the optimization of system.

本文首先简要综述了供应链理论、可靠性研究、鲁棒性研究以及供应链鲁棒性研究的现状;然后,将供应链系统作为一个复杂系统来分析,确定了系统运行过程中所经历的状态,通过引入补充变量的方法,建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论得到了系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统解存在的唯一性、非负性和指数阶渐近稳定性;并借助Matlab工具,利用二阶、三阶辛普森积分方程模拟系统解的性态,并给出系统动态解的仿真图;本文又对上述系统增加了系统可能失效状态和优化调整状态,并在此基础上建立了用偏微分方程组描述的分布参数系统模型,同样用泛函分析中的C_0 -半群理论对所建立的数学模型进行了研究,得到系统动态解和稳态解的数学表达式,证明了系统动态解存在的唯一性、非负性及渐近稳定性,为进一步分析和研究供应链优化奠定了理论基础。

So we supposed that IL-4 might be one of the transiently expressed critical factors in IgE response.


As the complete characteristic curves of reversible pump turbine are often used to calculate the instantaneous parameters, this paper studies the characteristic curve and the wicket closure and opening law in pumped storage plants.Chapter 1 presents the importance and the necessity of this study and reviews the previous related research on hydraulic transient process and valve regulation in pumped storage plants.Chapter 2 analyzes the six collected characteristic curves of reversible pumped turbine and studies their diversification from the point of view of specific speed. The six collected discharge and moment curves with maximum efficiency have been fitted to piecewise continuous curves. This curve-fitting procedure is listed.Chapter 3 takes Liyang Pumped storage plant as an example and analyzes the effect of different characteristic curves on regulation guarantee parameters and the variety of its trochoid during the same operation status.Chapter 4 takes three pumped storage plants with different heads as examples and studies the characteristic of coordinated closure with wicket gate and ball valve and its effect on dynamic pressure in the spiral case, inlet pressure in the draft tube and the rise of rotating speed.Chapter 5 summarizes this paper and point out what should be done in the future research.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
