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In this study, we isolate, purify and characterize endo-β-glucanase by Ascomycete Xylaria regalis. The cellulose-containing medium is used to induce the production of the cellulose-degrading enzymes. When these enzymes are produced at maximum level, we harvest and filtrate the culture medium. The filtrate is purified by anion exchanger column and hydrophobic interaction column (phenyl-650M). The purification fold of endo-β- glucanase increases 4.3 times, the specific activity approaches 3.7 unit/mg, and the recovery is 27.6%, respectively.

为了分离且纯化此株菌产生在培养基中的endo-β-glucanase,先将此菌在cellulose液态培养基中大量培养,在此酵素达到最高峰时,利用滤纸过滤将菌丝及菌液分开,收集粗酵素液,再经过阴离子交换树脂及疏水性层析管柱(Phenyl-650M)等步骤予以纯化,所得到最终酵素纯度为 4.3倍,比活性为3.7 unit/mg,回收率为27.6%。

The thesis studies the difference between GWSs composition and traditional workflow applications, proposes the implement mechanism and technical architecture of GWSs composition and defines the reference model of GWSs composition platform, which provide holistic framework and top-level guidance for studying dynamic GWSs composition technology, designing GWSs composition platform, and implementing representative composite service applications.2、Theories and methods of composite process modeling and process analysis. This thesis proposes a meta-model of Geo-spatial Web services composition process defining from two aspects, i.e. process and resource. According to the process definition meta-model, we propose a new Geo-spatial Web services composition Process/Resource model based on extended WF-net, which effectively resolves the problems on uncertain activity option and dynamic variation of service in composite process model. A notion with regard to soundness of process model is proposed from three aspects, i.e. the structural correctness of process model, validity of data link and validity of resource. The notion of soundness definitely gives a dividing line on correctness of composite GWS process. This thesis analyzes sufficient and essential terms of soundness, and studies compositional property of WSCP/R-net models which provides an effective method to construct a soundness WSCP/R-net model. According to WSCP/R-net, the thesis proposes composition algebra and studies the properties of it. Based on the composition algebra, 6 kinds of composite process reduction rules are induced to optimize the process.3、Geo-spatial Web service QoS model and its application architecture. This thesis proposes an extendable GWS QoS model from three aspects, i.e. Geo-spatial Web Service itself, networking conditions and service consumer which can be used to distinguish GWSs with overlapping or identical functionality. We work over the QoS evaluation methods of composite GWS process which can be used to guide the execution, monitor and service selection of composition process. Aming at some disadvantages in traditional Web service discovery model for its lacking of QoS supporting, this thesis proposes a new service discovery model SDMQ supporting QoS constraints.4、Technologies of composite service executing. SSPL, a new composite service process language, is defined to overcome the disadvantages of existing composite services process languages which can not adapt to the dynamic variation of Geo-spatial Web Services. An algorithm is described to translate WSCP/R-net model into SSPL. The thesis studies the model of dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization, presenting an algorithm GODSS to resolve dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization in GWSs Composition.5、Design and implement experimental system and representative applications. According to the research findings presented above, we design and implement an experimental system and construct two representative applications to show that our achievements are effective and practical.


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In case either party shall breach or default in the effective performance of any terms, conditions covenants, or agreements contained in this Agreement, the other party may give to such breaching or defaulting party a written notice of such default, and if such breaching or defaulting party does not effect an adequate amendment thereof within 30 days after the date of dispatch of said notice, the aggrieved party may terminate this agreement by dispatching a termination notice, such termination taking effect upon the expiration of such 30 days grace period or upon such later date specified in the notice.


In any situation whatsoever and wheresoever occurring and whether existing or anticipated before commencement of or during the voyage, which in the judgment of the Carrier or the Master is likely to give rise to risk of capture, seizure, detention, damage, delay or disadvantage to or loss of the ship or any part of her cargo, or to make it unsafe, imprudent, or unlawful for any reason to commence or proceed on or continue the voyage or to enter or discharge the goods at the port of discharge, or to give rise to delay or difficulty in arriving, discharging at or leaving the port of discharge or the usual or agreed place of discharge in such port, the Carrier may before loading or before the commencement of the voyage, require the shipper or other person entitled thereto to take delivery of the goods at port of shipment and upon failure to do so, may warehouse the goods at the risk and expense of the goods; or the Carrier or the Master, whether or not proceeding toward or entering or attempting to enter the port of discharge or reaching or attempting to reach the usual place cd discharge therein or attempting to discharge the goods there, may discharge the goods into depot, lazaretto, craft, or other place; or the ship may proceed or return, directly or indirectly, to or stop at any port or place whatsoever as the Master or the Carrier may consider safe or advisable under the circumstances, and' discharge the goods, or any part thereof, at any such port or place; or the Carrier or the Master may retain the cargo on board until the return trip or until such time as the Carrier or the Master thinks advisable and discharge the goods at any place whatsoever as herein provided; or the Carrier or the Master may discharge and forward the goods by any means, rail, water, land, or air at the risk and expense of the goods.


In any situation whatsoever and wheresoever occurring and whether existing or anticipated before commencement of or during the voyage, which in the judgment of the Carrier or the Master is likely to give rise to risk of capture, seizure, detention, damage, delay or disadvantage to or loss of the ship or any part of her cargo, or to make it unsafe, imprudent, or unlawful for any reason to commence or proceed on or continue the voyage or to enter or discharge the goods at the port of discharge, or to give rise to delay or difficulty in arriving, discharging at or leaving the port of discharge or the usual or agreed place of discharge in such port, the Carrier may before loading or before the commencement of the voyage, require the shipper or other person entitled thereto to take delivery of the goods at port of shipment and upon failure to do so, may warehouse the goods at the risk and expense of the goods; or the Carrier or the Master, whether or not proceeding toward or entering or attempting to enter the port of discharge or reaching or attempting to reach the usual place of discharge therein or attempting to discharge the goods there, may discharge the goods into depot, lazaretto , craft, or other place; or the ship may proceed or return, directly or indirectly, to or stop at any port or place whatsoever as the Master or the Carrier may consider safe or advisable under the circumstances, and discharge the goods, or any part thereof, at any such port or place; or the Carrier or the Master may retain the cargo on board until the return trip or until such time as the Carrier or the Master thinks advisable and discharge the goods at any place whatsoever as herein provided;or the Carrier or the Master may discharge and forward the goods by any means, rail, water, land, or air at the risk and expense of the goods.


At first in the preliminary design this paper computes the linear damping coefficient of the viscous damper employed in this project using Composite Response Spectra approach, meantime, this paper proves that reducing the exponent of velocity of the piston can increase the magnitude of the dissipative energy, because of the viscous damper employed in the practical project character nonlinear behavior; next this chapter performs analysis and comparison between the building without and with the viscous dampers aforementioned when the building suffers from various Time Domain Response, from the angle of displacement, interstroy drift, velocity, interstory velocity, acceleration, energy, maximum axial force of the dampers and of the column etc., in order to prove that the incorporating the viscous dampers into the buildings has great superiority on enhancing its aseismic performance ; furthermore, this chapter also expatiates on diverse assembly form of the viscous dampers that results in the adverse impact on the internal force of the structural member in this building, on the ground of which this segment bring about the preference of the assembly form of the viscous damper; finally this chapter points out the sphere of application of the analysis and computation using Composite Response Spectra approach in design: it is available in well-proportioned stiffness structures and isn抰 available in the structures that contain weak story. It is recommendable, particularly, to incorporate the fluid viscous dampers into this structure that contain weak story to refrain earthquake and reinforce, such as the Central Hall of Shanghai Exhibition Hall.


Rejected, 81, Not only are liver transplants never rejected,but they even induce a state of donordonor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of donor are other organs , such as skin , from that permanently.

并没有被肝脏移植物所遵循肝脏移植物非但从没遭到过排斥,甚至还诱发了一种供者特异性无应答状态 donorunresponsiveness 在此状态中,,在此状态中(donor-specific unresponsiveness)在此状态中,随后,来自那个供者其它器官的移植物,如皮肤,会永久地被接受。

In the "rules of the name" field enter the name of this rule (such as BT to download the Rules);"Rule Description" column is here to fill out a detailed description of this rule can not be filled in; in the "other side's IP address" Select "Internet of any address";"the direction of data transmission," Please select "receive or send";"data protocol type" column of course, choose "TCP packet type"; in the "local port" in the fill from 688-6889, so that we designated the BT download software used by all ports, rather than to set up a separate one.

在&规则名称&栏中填入此规则的名称;&规则描述&一栏则是在此填写对这一规则的详细描述,可以不用填写;在&对方的IP地址&中选择&互联网任何地址&;&数据传输方向&请选择&接收或发送&;&数据协议类型&一栏中当然选择&TCP 类型数据包&;在&本地端口&中填写从688到6889,这样我们就指定了BT下载软件所使用的所有端口,而不用单独一个个去设置。

Based on the above actuality, this paper studied the high quality incineration technics and theory in a self-designed rotary incinerator. The variation of several operation conditions such as waste feedrate, excess air ratio, air distribution and rotation speed of the fulcra has been employed to study the formation and control theory of NOx, SO〓and HCl. Based on the experimental results, a simple and comprehensive model has been proposed to describe the process of acid gas formation and reduction. The results show that the formation of pollutants strongly depend on the incineration state of the solid waste in the rotary incinerator.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


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