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与 在此中 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The word also denotes an animal that has not yet been weaned-that is, whose access to milk has not yet been withdraw n, a process that gradually accustoms the young to accept an adult diet.


On the basis of above, a dynamic workflow engine was designed. Furthermore, the realization mechanism of dynamic services agent on this workflow engine was anatomized thoroughly.


On behalf of the wedded couple, I'd like to thank you all for the stories that have appeared on the internet and in print, but I'd like to point out that there were some untruths in those stories, for instance, that there was a dish by the name of "Braised bamboo fungus and fish maw in sharks fin" on the menu. As we all know, Yao Ming is the frontman of the "Protecting sharks begins with me" campaign and he has promised at the WildAid event that he would not eat sharks fin at any time or under any circumstance. Hence, there was no sharks fin at the wedding tonight.


The south-north united tectonic environment and tectonic pattern does not exist. The east-west trend thrusting Nappe structure of Majiatan and Hengshanpu can not represent the whole western margin of Ordos. The attempt to solve the regional tectonic problem with simple tectonic pattern is against the geological theory, especially in the Helan Mountain region.(2) After the geochemical data analysis of Ruqigou basalt in Helan Mountain, the article illustrates that it belongs to continental rift basalt which appeared in the late-Triassic and early middle Jurassic. Meanwhile the article states that the region is located in the rift environment of an extension background and Rudigou is located in the central part of the rift.(3) The article illustrates that the western ridge of Helan Mountain used to be on a slope and topography slowly declines from west to east after analysis and demonstrations of the distribution under XiaoSongshan bedding fault. Through comprehensive analysis of the no-strong deformation and bedding fault features, the article states that the Xiaosongshan bedding fault used to be gravity slip detachment structure and it represents the extension from the east to the west. Based on the above and analysis and demonstrations of isotope age and track datting, the article illustrates that the ? characteristic of the east of the western ridge of Helan mountain being higher than the west is the result of its late tectonic reverse.(4) Through comparison between Rujigou region Mesozoic Era late Triassic period-early and middle Jurassic period deposit and that of Ordos Basin and the analysis of the late Triassic period extension and early -middle Jurassic Period deposit povenevance it sets forth that during the period, Rujigou region was part of a large deposit basin which was closer to the northern povenevance and farther from the western povenevance.


From left: blocks of icy debris, warmed by the sun, tumble down cliffs of the northern ice cap; swirling dust devils leave tracks on defrosting dune surfaces in the south; as polar ice recedes, the surface erodes in scalloped ridges; during spring in the north, sand dunes emerge from the blanket of frost; starburst patterns are created as ice warms into gas and expands, creating channels spreading out radially; when the gas breaks through the ice, it creates plumes and material is carried downwind.


Secondly,based on the sense of money equilibrium and AO-test technique,this paper recalculates the degree of excess money,and finds that there exits greater degree excess money during 1979 to 2007,but the degree has been dropped greatly since 1990s.


We hereby request and authorize you, your branch and your correspondents to give the drawees such indemnity against all losses and consequences arising from any discrepancies between the documents presented and the terms of the Documentary Credit as may be necessary in order to obtain acceptance and or payment of the Bill and / or Documents.


One thing is sure, is that they do not support or even oppose the idea of substituting art, and associated with this is that they recognize the value or the value added of the fine arts. They are not esthetes, but firmly believe that art must have an aesthetic quality--in their eyes all the so-called ideas, even the most valuable concepts of art must be achieved through the aesthetic of the intermediary, even though they may oppose the concept of contemporary art's tendency to suppress the technology, but they do not flaunt technological supremacy. They acknowledge and accept the meaning of art, but they also convey the concept of artistic value in way they try to select a relatively moderate path, neutral, and not too left or right, but also East and West, ancient and modern, not avant-garde nor stale, either extremes must be avoided. And to be able to do this, we've reached the limits of a teacher's role, going beyond these expectations is not very realistic, as the less moderate we get, the further we are from a teacher's identity.


ASpheric FeNi nanoparticles with average diameter of about 70 nm were obtained in the system of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide/H_2O,while most of the products were nanofilms/rods with the addition of cyclohexane; nearly monodisperse FeNi nanoparticles with average diameter of about 25 nm were prepared in the system of PEG/cyclohexane/H_2O.With the assistance of ultrasonic,a no-surfactant method to 8.5 nm FeCo nanocrystals with high Ms(>200.5 emu/g)has been developed with economical FeCl_3·6H_2O as iron sources.

a以水合肼为还原剂在十六烷基三甲基溴化铵/H_2O体系中得到了平均粒径约70 nm的FeNi合金球形颗粒,当在此体系中加入环己烷时样品主要形态为纳米膜/棒;于PEG/环己烷/H_2O体系中制备了单分散性较好的平均粒径约25 nm的FeNi合金纳米颗粒,合金纳米颗粒粒径随金属离子浓度减小而减小。

The results showed that the calorific values of the test plant species had no unified change pattern, which was possibly related to the partitioning ratio of calorific value in different plant organs and the timing when the reproductive period appeared. In general, spike had a higher calorific value than leaf and stem, and aquatic plants had obviously lower calorific value than mesophytes and wet mesophytes. Within a species, the change pattern of calorific value had certain relations to the phenophase, with approximately two lowest values and two highest values. Among the species, the differences in the calorific value were decided by the nature of the species themselves. Under the same habitat and climatic conditions, the species that contained more materials rich in energy could more easily accumulate calorific, and thus, more adaptable to grow under this environment.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
