英语人>网络例句>在室外的 相关的搜索结果


与 在室外的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Poor Len, he's still struggling with his agoraphobia.

可怜的 Len ,依然在和他的室外恐惧症作斗争。

Large amounts of outside air and/or mechanical cooling in many companies are utilized to eliminate excess process heat.


Some parameters such as Indoor radiation heat transfer, convective heat transfer, MRT, OT, radiation heat transfer coefficient, convective heat transfer coefficient, and PMV-PPD were calculated under a steady condition. From the result, we can conclude, when operation under the combination system and worst-case test, if floor temperature is about 21℃, supply air temperature is 21℃, air velocity is 1m/s, the equlvalent coefficient of heat transfer between floor temperature and OT is 13.6w/m2k, where 5.68w/m2k is equlvalent coefficient of radiant heat transfer, 9.48w/m2k is convective heat transfer coefficient. And when air velocity is higher, supply air temperature is lower, the radiant heat transfer between floor and others is lower. In the whole experiment, the floor temperature was keeping above the indoor air dew point, and condensation was not appeared.


In Farnsworth House, the separation between the loggia and the house as such—the void that leads us in from the outside— is done with a tree that was already there in the way, and which only afterwards has become gigantic.


At the same time, in the exhaust under the fine powder container bag by trapping filter back to the outdoors, the process of trapping a large number of ultra-fine powder will have the selection, whether it is boiling in the flow or trapping operations , boiling the whole process of drying with ultra-fine powder movement.


Ponds, waterfalls, bandstands for performances were added; along with flowers, new grass and tiki-torches that are lit each night after sunset; all of this now lines this one mile region surrounding where Mila and Oa lived.

池塘、瀑布、表演用的室外乐池与花卉、新草地被加建,提基火把(译注: Tiki 提基:玻利尼西亚神话中的一个男性人物)在日落后每个夜晚被点燃;所有这些现在排列在 Mila 和 Oa 居所周围的一英里地带上。

"Shots work extremely well in patients that clearly have allergic symptoms, either allergy in their nose like allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma, where outdoor allergens like tree, weed and grass pollens seem to be a major cause," says Stanley P. Galant, M.D., an allergist in Orange County, California, and a clinical professor and director of pediatric allergy at the University of California, Irvine.


The Dragon is with a wheel house and outside saloon on the main deck. There will be two 2m full height inner deck under the main deck, which is unusual for normal yacht of this kind.


The Palace Suite, with its stunning terrace - at 1100 sq m (12,000 sq ft) being the largest outdoor terrace along the Bund – was transformed into a "Fiesta Latina – A Taste of South America", withmusical performances by Las Voces Del Mar ( the official mariachi band of the Government of Mexico) and, from Colombia, Afrocolombia and Michi Sarmiento y su Orquesta.

在1100平方米的汇中套间内,外滩最大的室外露台已被装点为&拉美嘉年华之体验南美风情&,由Las Voces Del Mar(由墨西哥总统特别推荐在上海半岛酒店进行表演的墨西哥官方指定巡阅队)、哥伦比亚乐团Afrocolombia 和Michi Sarmiento y su Orquesta在此进行音乐表演。

During cleaner product audit,the energy source consumption of beer brewing industry was analyzed systematically and compared with those which the advanced technologies for energy saving were used.The related measures for reducing the energy comsumption were put forward,for examples the first stage cooling of malt extract,recovery of heat energy of glyconeogenesis,recovery of heat water,recover and combustion of marsh gas from wastewater ...


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
