英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As gifts, they are emotional, sentimental, and are often keepsakes between lovers and friends.


The conflicts between Kublai Khan and the khanates in Central Asia led by Kaidu had lasted for a few decades, until the beginning of the 14th century, when both of them had died.


Applying this view in the analysis of concrete problems, the Deborin school sees only differences but not contradictions between the kulaks and the peasants in general under existing conditions in the Soviet Union, thus entirely agreeing with Bukharin.


They always stayed on the island or land side of us.


Divided into twenty-four, or even a smaller number, of separate communities, we shall see our internal trade burdened with numberless restraints and exactions; communication between distant points and sections obstructed or cut off; our sons made soldiers to deluge with blood the fields they now till in peace; the mass of our people borne down and impoverished by taxes to support armies and navies, and military leaders at the head of their victorious legions becoming our lawgivers and judges. The loss of liberty, of all good government, of peace, plenty, and happiness, must inevitably follow a dissolution of the Union.


With this in mind, the researchers then reanalysed data from knowingly HIV-positive heterosexual subjects in Uganda and Zambia who had HIV-negative sexual partners. Those with a viral load of one million particles per millilitre were more than ten times more likely to accidentally infect their partners each year than those with a load of one thousand.But when the researchers calculated the transmission potential over the entire predicted asymptomatic period, those with viral loads between ten thousand and a hundred thousand copies per millilitre of blood were the most likely to infect their partners. HIV-positive subjects with viral counts of 50,000 infected roughly twice as many people as those with counts of one million.

伦敦帝国学院流行病学家Christophe Fraser和他的同事对收集于1982年到1993年之间的100多例HIV阳性的男性同性恋者的数据进行分析,并结合分析来自乌干达和赞比亚的已知有HIV阴性性伴侣的HIV阳性异性恋受调查者的资料,他们发现中度病毒负荷而无症状的HIV携带者更易播散HIV,这是因为中度病毒负荷的HIV携带者的无症状期较长,而那些高病毒负荷而无症状的HIV携带者虽然传染性稍强,但其传染的持续时间却很短,并且在未经治疗的HIV携带者个体中中度病毒负荷是最常见的人群。

22Nd June 2008 – exactly 67 years after the start of fighting on the Eastern Front, 121 modellers started their work on depicting weapons used by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during the war between these two countries.

2008年6月22日- 67岁正是开始后战斗东部阵线,开始了他们的121模拟工作描绘武器使用的纳粹德国和苏联在战争期间这两个国家之间。

The pro-Russian sentiment I experienced on my last visit four years ago has become far fiercer as a result of this conflict."They signed a ceasefire, but Saakashvili can start bombing us again any minute," Lusya said, referring to the OSCE/EU-brokered peace plan between Moscow and Tbilisi.

亲俄罗斯的情绪经历对我上次访问四年前,已成为迄今激烈,由于这场冲突,&他们签署了一项停火,但萨卡什维利就可以开始轰炸我们再次任何分钟,& lusya说,在谈到欧安组织/欧盟斡旋的和平计划之间的莫斯科和第比利斯。

When steam was introduced between the two vanes, as shown in Fig 4 at left, it tended to push them apart, but only one of them could move.


When 3 tortoises are stacked on top of each other, they represents the symbol of loving among family members.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
