英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While it is true that the Romans did speak a form of Latin known as vulgar Latin, it was quite different from the Classical Latin that we generally think of them speaking (Classical Latin is what we usually learn at University).


Even with the murders that have already occurred, Americans are not paying enough attention to the frightening connection between the right-wing hate-mongers who continue to slither among us and the gun crazies who believe a well-aimed bullet is the ticket to all their dreams.


The gap between the two widened as Methodist practice drifted steadily toward a sedate, middleclass American Protestantism, while the Holiness groups insisted they were practicing primitive Wesleyanism and were the true successors of Wesley in America.


Salieri is most famously known as a jealous rival of his contemporary, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and was said to have murdered Mozart (although historical records have proven that on the contrary both have collaborated/promoted each other's work on several occasions).


The critics contend that the Book of the Covenant knows nothing of an Aaronitic priesthood (Exodus 24:5); that Deuteronomy mentions priests and Levites without any hierarchical distinction and without any high priest, determines their rights, and distinguishes only between the Levite living in the country and the Levite attached to the central sanctuary; finally, that the Priestly Code represents the priesthood as a social and hierarchical institution, with legally determined duties, rights, and revenues.

评论家认为,此书的盟约一无所知的Aaronitic铎(出埃及记24:5 );申命记提到的祭司和利没有任何等级的区分,没有任何大祭司,确定他们的权利,以及之间的区别只生活在列国家和利未连接到中央圣殿;最后,祭司源代码铎作为一种社会和分级机构,依法确定的职责,权利和收入。

The phrase indicates proper conducted relations among unequal statuses, principally those of patrilineal descent, patrilocal marriage, and patriarchy, analogically extended, to ruler and subject and to trusted associates, like siblings, and their networks.


Whatever the truth of Thierry Henry's recent spat with Arsene Wenger and the rest of the squad, his absence in the last two games against Spurs and Porto has meant a slightly more direct approach, with long balls arrowed towards awkward Togo international Emmanuel Adebayor - previously anathema.


You can have high heritability (between parents and children, yet) large difference between children. An example from my 1996 book on intelligence, A Bioecological Treatise on Intellectual Development, is that the male son of Japanese immigrants to the US during the first part of the twentieth century grew, on average, five inches taller than their fathers despite heritability remaining approximately at 9!


Thus Masonry is the centre of their union and the happy means of conciliating true friendship among persons who otherwise must have remained at a perpetual distance.


Thus Masonry is the centre of their union and the happy means of conciliating true friendship among persons who otherwise must have remained at a perpetual distance.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
