英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or conversely, they could be predominantly wolf, or any variation or combination in between.


I did some preparative for them and then went here and there to watch them painting.


The nature's only gifts are primitivity, and occasionally the chance to feel strong.


Specialist Theron Ladner (with his assistant gunner Private First Class Rodriguez Rivera) and Specialist Russell Adams (with a-gunner Specialist Bill Beck) had positioned their guns 10 yards apart from one another, and proceeded to pour heavy fire into the communist forces attempting to cut into the perimeter between Charlie and Alpha companies.

特种官兵(特种官兵是美军未受过军衔的军人,相当于从下士到三级军士的军衔)Theron Ladner (与他的辅助炮兵观察手一等兵Rodriguez Rivera)和特种官兵Russell Adams (带领另一个炮兵观察手,特种官兵Bill Beck)在机枪后10码远的位置,他们两组之间的距离也同样为10码,开始呼叫猛烈的炮火支援打击试图分割包围Charlie连和Alpha连的北越军队。

"Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line between privateering and piracy was often blurred."


"Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line between privateering and piracy was often blur red."


And it is true that Hooker's men were at times ill-disciplined (although it seems that liquor, not women, was the main source of their difficulties with the provost marshal).


E.g. Of all the differences between science and pseudoscience, the greatest one is their truthfulness.


They failed to get correct information to their dealers, punting anxious customers back-and-forth between headquarters and the dealers.


They reanalyze past National Election Studies data along with new data and conclude that the negativity effect is not universal across voters; it is a robust effect only for voters who dislike the candidate.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
