英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They recorded the relationships of the lung lesion and adjacent pulmonary artery as encasement, displacement, penetration, in the margin and disconnection.


If you have complete EVR. you're not negative at week 4, but you are negative by week 12. 40% of percent would be in that little group.


At this point, the scene between Ewan and Andrew is the strongest scene in the play, because they know their lines and really talk to each other.


Those who labour to smoother 'Calvinism' will find that it dies hard, and, it may be, they will come, after many defeats, to perceive the certain fact that it will outlive it opponents. Its funeral oration has been pronounced many times before now, but the performance has been premature. It will live when the present phase of religious misbelief has gone done to eternal execration amid the groans of those it has undone. Today it may be sneered at; nevertheless, it is but yesterday that it numbered among its adherents the ablest men of the age; and tomorrow, it may be, when once again there shall be giants in theology, it will come to the front, and ask in vain for its adversaries.

" "那些劳工,以流畅'加尔文教'会发现死硬,而且,它可能,他们会来,经过多次失败,洞悉了某些事实,即它会outlive它的对手,其葬礼咨讯已被宣判了很多次这以前,但表现已过早,它会活的时候,目前阶段的宗教misbelief已经做了永恒execration中呻吟,它已消除了,今天可能是讥;不过,也只不过是昨天表示,它编号之间及其党羽的ablest男子的年龄和明天,它可能时,再次应巨头在神学,它将会到了前线,并要求白费其对手。

Most breeders fall in between, with varying degrees of emphasis being given to the different possibilities.


The mowed grass on the slope between the hedge and the highway suggests that the family takes pride in its modest farmstead.


We find evidence for a metastable zone of euxinic waters impinging on the continental shelf and sandwiched within ferruginous deep waters.


This limited space allows the film to focus on communication between two kids and film-maker and to reveal some of the ideas that enable them to endure and survive on the streets.


Unit 2 5.The flathead Indians of North America used to bind the heads of babies between boards so they would have long sloping foreheads.

paragraph 6,line 1北美的扁头印第安人过去常常把婴儿的头夹在两木板之间,使他们的前额长得长而倾斜。

It was a hard day's run, up the Canyon, through Sheep Camp, past the Scales and the timber line, across glaciers and snowdrifts hundreds of feet deep, and over the great Chilcoot Divide, which stands between the salt water and the fresh and guards forbiddingly the sad and lonely North.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
