英语人>网络例句>在他们之间 相关的搜索结果


与 在他们之间 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, little by little, more and more, people begin to feel comfortable with their own thoughts; especially, understanding that thoughts don't have instant manifestational power, anyway. You live in this time/space reality where there is a buffer zone between the offering of a thought and the receiving of the manifestation.


They cannot detect a nonwetted joint if the correct volume of solder does exist in the path of the beam, even if there is a gap between the solder on the lead and the solder on the land.


They expected Him, by one flash of overmastering will, to change the current of men's thoughts, and force from them an acknowledgment of His supremacy.


This is parabolically represented under the figure of a man seated at the parting of two ways, who warned all passers that if they chose one road it would lead them among the thorns, while on the other brief difficulties would end in a plain path.


The objectives of the workshop were to: expose participants to new trends on Interactive Radio Instruction; acquaint them with new skills and knowledge on IRI methodology, scripting and project cycle management; inculcate basic skills to enable participants facilitate, monitor and evaluate the project.; create a forum for interaction amongst the implementers of the project and front line workers to evolve best approaches to be adopted to move the IRI project forward, and to enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of participants to strengthen their capacity to mobilise and sensitise pastoralists to support the IRI project initiative in schools.


He call'd me one Morning into his Chamber, where he confined by the Gout, and expostulated very warmly me upon this Subject: He ask'd me what Reasons more a meer wandring inclination I had for leaving my Father House and my native Country, where I might be well introduced, and had a Prospect of raising my Fortunes Application and Industry, with a Life of Ease and Pleasure He told me it was for Men of desperate Fortunes on one Hand, or of aspiring, Superior Fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon Adventures, to rise by Enterprize, and make themselves famous in Undertakings of a Nature out of the common Road; that these things were all either too far above me, or too far below me; that mine was the middle State, or what might be called the upper Station of Low Life, which he had found by long Experience was the best State in the World, the most suited to human Happiness, not exposed to the Miseries and Hardships, the Labour and Sufferings of the mechanick Part of Mankind, and not embarass'd with the Pride, Luxury, Ambition and Envy of the upper Part of Mankind.


When Michael uses his role of civilian to act as mediator between the Corleones and the Tattaglia brothers, he is not entirely free of suspicion (the other side frisks him for concealed weapons), but they extend him the trust due to a civilian during a parley.

当Michael以平民身份在 Corleones和 Tattaglia兄弟之间进行调停时,他并没有完全放下怀疑(对方对他进行搜身,看他是否藏有武器),但他们在会谈中相信平民Michael。

After 1974, Maryland processors needed only to submit an indemnity agreement in which their suppliers certified their own rights to the hulks


After 1974, Maryland processors needed only to submit an in demnity agreement in which their suppliers certified their own rights to the hulks


So that they must dwell in the most dreadful ravines, In caves of the earth and in the rocks.

30:6 以致他们必须住在极凶险的峡谷之间,在地洞和岩穴之中。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
